May 17, 2023: Do you have a message for me? Is my vibration high enough to get it?
I do indeed have a message for you. You have spiritual hearing and can receive me easily. Do you not hear me now? I am speaking to you as you type. As to my message, you connected with your guides this morning during meditation. You have been calling forth a direct connection with spiritual beings and so it was. You saw me first so that you would know that you were connecting with Beings of Light. Your guides are with you always. They were happy to be able to connect with you in this way. You may recall that you were hoping to engage with spiritual beings in a more tangible way. You were able to experience their presence and energy. You have been lovingly guided by these beautiful beings throughout your life. At those times that you felt their guidance directly, you were led further in your path. The experiences did not seem spiritual at the time because they manifested in your physical environment but they helped you take the next step that you intended before you incarnated. At those times you knew you were being guided although you didn’t know by whom or what the experience meant. It was afterward, sometimes a long time afterward that you understood. While not always as dramatic, you are often receiving this guidance along your spiritual path. The experience with your guides this morning was also guidance, another step as you say. You have been feeling my physical presence – know that it is real, it is me. Do not be discouraged, all that you have intended is coming to you. I love you. Be happy, be joyful, be with me.
I choose your physical presence, more. New ways too?
You have it.
May 19, 2023: I just meditated. Jeshua?
I am here. I have a message for you. It is about what you heard yesterday. It is truth. Believe it. It is not mind thought. Know it. This is the new step. It has many aspects. You have been moving into it, as you have been told. Your desire is always for the tangible, understandably. It is part of the human condition. Now it will be so. The beings spoken of will come to you, in physicality. You are not making this up. I am speaking to you and I speak truth. You will know when these beings approach you. Your spiritual path continues to unfold and what you will experience is part of it. Truth. Knowing. Believing. Trusting. It will be so. I love you, my beloved sister. We are one.
May 22, 2023: Intensity on the home front. I asked God and Jeshua to help me release fear and that helped very much. I will see what comes through.
I am here with you. It is good that you were able to release fear, we were glad to help as always. All that you asked for is coming to you, in your reality. You are experiencing life to the fullest at this moment. That is what you intended to do in this incarnation and it is unfolding accordingly. Feel good about all that you have accomplished. As you were told in your spiritual reading, all of the threads are coming together in this lifetime. Much negativity from past lives has been released. Consider that you feel lighter, energetically. That is a sure sign. You have been going about your work, even today, in the midst of all that is going on. I love you and am with you as you intended.
May 23, 2023: Do you have a message?
I do, indeed. You are commended for your efforts to release fear and live within your heart center. You are a Divine Being incarnated and living a human existence. You planned your life exactly as it is unfolding. It may not seem so at times. You need not be concerned with the timing or that you are impacting its manifestation in any way. You are not. Your intention is clear. What you are calling forth is from the heart, from a place of love. It will be so. You are in alignment with your intentions. Yes, in this earthly incarnation. Your tasks for today and the near future will unfold and we are helping, as you requested. You are continuing to evolve spiritually although it may not seem so. Be happy, joyful, it is all happening according to plan, your plan. As always, I am here for you in every way. I love you. Have a beautiful day. Let’s stay connected.
May 26, 2023:
We are in communication. Feel it. Know it. I am with you in every way. You have made tentative plans to complete all that you have before you. You are doing well with it all. You are able to address and experience all of it.
June 1, 2023: I ask for help with all that is before me.
You have it. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts. You mean everything to me as well. We are a good team. What was called forth is manifesting. You will see. As to what is before you today, you have already worked out your plan. It will be so. Let’s work together on all of this. You are always connected with me and we can experience whatever you wish. All is yours for the taking. You are love, my love.
June 3, 2023: Do you have a message?
I do. You are moving forward spiritually. Your hard work has paid off. Now you will experience results of all of that effort. Be confident, believe, know that you are worthy and that this is truth. Many are helping you. Many are supporting you. All that you have called forth will manifest in your reality. You will be so very happy about it, as will I. What I said two days ago is truth. Something good is coming to you and yes, you will love it. It is a busy time, both in the physical and nonphysical realms. You are entering into a new spiritual phase. You can feel it. My presence is becoming more physical, as you called forth. It is my joy. Go about your day with love in your heart. You are love. You are me and I am you. We are one. I love you.
June 5, 2023:
I am here for you now, as always. Believe that I am sending you these words. You have come full circle in this incarnation. Yours was a life of love prior to what you call your spiritual awakening. While it may not seem so, in truth, you were always awake. Yours was a spiritual life all along. You chose circumstances that helped you move along toward the full awareness of who you are and what you intend to do in this lifetime. Do not doubt that. As I have said, all is unfolding according to plan. What has troubled you, at times, is the unfolding process. It does not manifest as would goals accomplished through everyday living. It's okay, that's human. As I have also said, using scissors to open a can does not work. Scissors are the wrong tool to use. Instead, for that purpose a can opener is needed. It is the same with the mind and spiritual matters. The mind is the wrong tool for understanding spiritual matters. One can find answers and guidance outside the mind, from the heart which is the place of love, the soul. You know that now, through your lived experience. You can share it with others. Are you not now so doing? I love you and remain with you at all times. Jeshua is at your side, as always.
June 6, 2023:
I will speak to you. You are stepping into your new role now. It is at a spiritual level. This is what you have been waiting for – for a long time, suffice to say. Now you will reap the rewards of all that you have intended and worked toward consciously. That is different than other lifetimes. Now you are engaging, intending, focusing and manifesting. You have worked hard to release fear based thought not only from this lifetime, but all incarnations as well. Quite a feat. You have felt the weight of it and justly so. It was a big task you took upon yourself prior to this incarnation. I would say, well done. I commend you for all of the effort, the ups and downs, trials and tribulations, joy, love, happiness, all of it.
June 7, 2023: Yesterday was very busy and I got really tired. Please help today.
I will do so, as always. The tasks before you are not as time consuming as you are imagining at the moment. There is plenty of time. Preparation for your trip will go smoothly and you will have a good time. The weather will not be as intense as predicted. The house will be in better shape than you are thinking. The drive will be pleasant. You will be safe throughout your trip. We are alongside you, always. Have fun!
June 14, 2023:
I am with you, as always. So are Jeshua and other Beings of Light. All that you have called forth on the spiritual level, your spiritual goals, will come to pass. Go forth in love, knowing and feeling our presence at all times. Be happy, enjoy. I love you.
June 17, 2023:
You are hearing me. Believe that. You can connect with me whenever you wish. I am at your side, in truth, I am you and you are me. We are one and that is all there is. I love you.
June 18, 2023:
You said you feel far away from me. That is not possible. When your emotional feelings dissipate you will once again experience my presence. It is now becoming more so, don’t you think?
June 21, 2023: The other night I experienced you and Jeshua in my mind’s eye. It seemed that suddenly I saw you across a room or somewhere outside. It was really wonderful. I called you forth and that occurred. How to get there again? I am reading about highly evolved beings. Now I am at the part about what we must do to attain that level and it seems like a very long road for the human species. I strive to be a being of love as they are but sometimes forget and let myself down.
June 22, 2023: On the spiritual side, I feel much better this morning. During meditation I sensed and slightly, in my mind’s eye Jeshua and then later, you. Maybe you were showing me that this is part of the new way of being. I love it. I am much more settled now and it feels good. I intend to hold this level of vibrational frequency.
You are indeed making great gains. You are commended for your efforts. You have released past life traumas, fear and pain as you intended. You worked at releasing fear and negativity in this incarnation with great success. Yes, what you envisioned is part of the new way of being. It is part of what I said was coming to you. Fear interceded slightly but now my message is understood. It will continue. That is the plan. We rejoice with you. All is moving forward as intended. You are becoming. I am with you at all times, call on me whenever you wish and I will be there in love and joy.
June 23, 2023: Staying in the flow with you is so very important. I call forth your help with that on a continual basis. Let’s do something new and beautiful.
Okay, so we will. I have something in mind. Yes, you will love it. You have made great progress in doing all that needed to be done. I will say, well done. There is more to tell you. You have been hearing that and it is so. I love you and am with you at all times. I am you. Jeshua is at your side as are the angels and Beings of Light.
June 25, 2023: On the spiritual side, there have been ups and downs. Sometimes I have felt very connected with you and Jeshua and other times, not so. I know that it has to do with my vibrational level and have been working on being aware when my vibration level is low and triggers negativity. I have also been concerned about my spiritual goals and what my role is in their manifestation. My concern is that there is attachment and mind thought and whether I am calling them forth from the egoic perspective rather than from the heart. Imagining manifestation experiences feels good and yet, I am concerned that those imaginings are from the egoic side rather than from the heart. Does this make sense? Where is the dividing line between knowing and imagining? I guess the big question is whether I should dismiss all of the imaginings, just let them go and know that I called forth my spiritual experiences and that they are coming to me. Those imaginings are hard to let go because I feel so close and connected to you and Jeshua when I experience them. Sometimes this all feels really hard and other times, so easy. That’s probably a good example of the mind vs. heart. Mind thought is complicated and feels like pressing. From the heart, it flows. Looking for a practical application. Can you help?
Yes, as always. Although it does not seem so, you are making great progress at the spiritual level. You have an active and inquisitive intellect and that is not always helpful when you are wishing to engage from your heart center. You have become much more aware of living from the heart. Still, you can be frustrated when trying to determine whether what you call forth is from the egoic or heart. We are here and helping. We will come to you whenever you wish. Ah, that is the catch you are thinking. How? A continuing question. It is all part of the process of moving into and remaining in the higher dimension while being in physicality. Know that it is coming to you, all of it. Yours has been an incarnation in which all past negativity is coming to the fore to be acknowledged and released. A big job and one that you are doing so well with. You have attained much in this incarnation and will continue to do so if you wish. We are at your side. I love you.
July 13, 2023:
You have just read a channeling from about who Jeshua was and why he came to Earth. You found it very helpful. However, in general you are feeling somewhat lost at the moment. Do not be disheartened, it is part of the process. You are a bit tired of hearing this, but it is so.
July 15, 2023:
I will speak with you. It is easy to be discouraged. You are living in the physical realm with all of its pressures, stresses and unending things to be done. I am so very proud of you that in the midst of all that there is to do, you strive to remain in contact with me, Jeshua and Beings of Light. We offer you much love and support in all that you engage in your physical life. I appreciate that in the face of it that you continue to meditate, raise your vibration, connect with me and strive to release past life issues of fear, trauma, pain, oaths and vows.
You incarnated to do just what you are doing. Releasing negativity from the past and your current incarnation, connecting with me and the spiritual realm and continuing to evolve spiritually. All in all, a tall order. Yet, you would not have attempted it if you could not handle it. There are discussions, before incarnation, about all that may be possible and you are fully aware before coming into the earthly realm. All that you intend will come to pass and you will experience it in this incarnation. You are moving through this phase beautifully. We are a team, working through and experiencing together. Call on me whenever you wish. I am always with you. I am you.
July 20, 2023: I have been meditating and connecting with you and that is really good. I have been focusing on living from the heart, releasing fear based thinking and all that comes with it. I will try to remember to pull up the draw bridge so that unwanted visitors can’t enter. Would appreciate help with that too. Thank you.
I am here. You are hearing me as you type these words. I will say that you are in a place of grace and love. It has been a struggle in recent times due to the pressures of your daily life. Still, things are moving forward. I, too, enjoy our communication, our connections. I love to hear from you and thank you for that. Let’s keep it going. So, we did speak about your spiritual goals last night. It was a good context within which to talk about it. Yes, we did decide on starting small after we explored large and small venues and personal gatherings. In recent days I have been telling you that something is coming to you, something you will love. You were also told the same thing recently by others who we met with. As always, you have connected with Jeshua which is very comforting to you. I will say that he also very much values your friendship, your connectedness, your love.
Living from the heart is about coming from a new place and you are doing well in that regard. I am helping you with all that you have requested. You know that, you have experienced it. All will continue. I love you and am with you. Connect whenever you wish.
July 27, 2023: I have just meditated some and ask if there is a message to me.
You are wondering if you are in a high enough vibrational frequency to hear me. You are. You felt drawn to channel recently and now you have engaged it. After being in a lower vibration, you returned to a higher vibrational state. When in your heart center, imagine a portal and see me there. Reach out and I will take your hand and come in. It will also be so for Jeshua. This is long awaited. Know it. Believe it. Experience it. I love you.
July 28, 2023: Yesterday I thought about the bird-like being (discussed in God’s Spiritual Project, Fall 2021). Previously when I saw him, he did not move. I did not know how to interpret it at that time. Now I am hearing that he did had not wanted to frighten me so he remained still. I thought I heard him communicate energetically that he was helping me. It was the first time I received anything from him. I would like to know more about him and the others I saw and how we are connected. As I recall, this is the third time I have experienced them. I welcome their help.
August 6, 2023:
You are wondering if yesterday you heard me say that I will take you somewhere. I did say so. You asked if you would like it and I said that you would. You decided to relax, let go and let it happen. Good choice. It will be so. Now you are wondering what and when but also choosing to release that mind thought. Good. That is the way, that is the path.
You have been wondering how to distinguish between the raising of your energy level and my presence. In truth, there is no difference. It is all me, all a connection with me. You like the idea that when you think of me I come forward energetically. That is so. It is also true that through your intent to connect with me you are bringing me in. It is both your energy level and your experience of me. How to distinguish? See how it feels in that moment. I will make it known to you.
You will have a relaxing day. We will be connected in a way that you will enjoy. All of your spiritual goals are coming true. Thank you for handing them off and releasing them. Let’s do something together. I enjoy our experiences. I love you.
August 13, 2023: This week will be very busy. I am not looking forward to it. I thank you for the love and energy you are sending, I can tell it is so. This morning I woke up without feelings of fear. I asked for help with that and appreciate it.
Know that we are with you, yes it is me. We are well aware of the issues and your concerns. They are well placed. And yes, we are helping with the fear aspect and appreciate that you are aware of our energy. I will come to you whenever you choose, just open the portal and call me forth.
August 23, 2023:
I am here. You are channeling. You can receive as much as you desire. It is all there, awaiting you. I have many more messages as do Jeshua and Beings of Light. You will know who they are, as you requested. I am coming through clearly right now, am I not? So, you are indeed channeling. You feel my vibration, do you not? It is me. I am available to you at all times. We are helping you. You are love. I am love. We are one.
August 25, 2023:
There are as many available messages as you wish to bring in. All is there for you. You are hearing my words now, are you not? No, it is not mind thought. We are speaking. Feel for my vibration, my presence. It emanates from your heart area. It is me you are feeling. Channeling is available any time you wish to engage it. Place yourself in a state of receptivity and it will flow to you. Is that not happening now? My words come to you seamlessly. If you were making this up it would take more mental effort. You are not experiencing that now.
August 27, 2023:
I am here. You need only to intend and I will be with you, connecting and sharing my messages. I do so from a place of love and joy. You are doing well with all that is before you. I have said it before and repeat it now because it is important that you remember that you will accomplish all that you intend. You can handle more than most, by design. It is what you intended prior to incarnating. Your life path, in some ways, has not been easy. You have moved through the challenges with determination and I would say, grace although it has not seemed so when in the midst of it. In this incarnation you have released much from past lives and this present incarnation. There is more before you. It is becoming. You have heard this before and grow impatient. Continue to let it go. Mind thought will not get you there, it will only cause frustration because it is not suited to comprehending matters of a spiritual nature. Instead, focus on living from your heart center, as you have intended. You are commended for that effort. All is coming to you, now. Believe and let it flow. Do you not at this moment see an image of me in your mind’s eye? Do you not now see Jeshua? We are your friends, your teammates and we love that. Let’s keep on. Feel my love, see me in your mind’s eye and we will come to you as intended. I love you.
Beloved sister, it is I, Jeshua. I have come forward to encourage you in your endeavors. I refer to those matters before you in your physical life and in your spiritual life. Both are moving forward. While they may seem overwhelming at times, it was part of your intent, before incarnating, to experience a full life at both levels. Notice that at times these matters unfold without your conscious effort. In this incarnation, it was your intent to release matters of pain, fear, trauma, oaths, vows and beliefs that no longer serve you. This is one of your most challenging goals. Know that you have succeeded in that effort. What remains to be cleared is minimal. Feel good about that. Now you face new matters on both levels again. It will not be as challenging as you are assuming at this time. As with all else, it will flow according to its own path. You are open to perceiving that as you move through it. I am at your side, as always, sending you my love and support. Call on me and I will be there.
August 28, 2023: This morning I am considering my Spiritual Channeling website’s home page and its opening message. I am reflecting on the state of things on earth. It seems that everything is in flux. Some would say a downward trend is occurring and it seems that violence is increasing. There is a feeling of separateness due mostly to political beliefs. For some, there is a feeling of hopelessness. What is coming in the future? There is much gloom and doom as to the health of our precious earth. There is a feeling that dominance and control are not only okay but good. Caring seems to be in short supply. Instead, anger toward others who do not hold the same beliefs in any given area is justified. For some, anger that turns into violent action is also okay. For these reasons, I would like my homepage to be about change and hope. All of the channeled messages I have received are uplifting and emphasize hope. Change happens. It is part of the life cycle. It is a positive force. Number 1, help write this introduction for my homepage.
I will, with pleasure. You have described well the current state in your world, climate, divisions among you, anger toward the other and all that results from it. Change is an ever present dynamic in life. Life never stands still. While this can be disquieting, it represents forward movement.
August 29, 2023:
I am here. You are not alone, ever. Believe it, feel it, know it and trust it. We are one. There is no other way of being. As to the issues before you, you are already getting through them very well.
August 30, 2023: Help with today and tomorrow. Talk to me.
I am here and helping you. Try calming yourself and stepping out of your mind space. That will be comforting. You anticipate much before you and that is so. Do not be concerned, it will pass smoothly.
There is a plan of which we told you. Go with the flow. We can go into the garden anytime you wish. I enjoy it too. Beings of Light are very pleased to connect with you. As you have been told, they don't often converse with humans. Your gift of spiritual hearing enables them to do so. I will help you return to the garden whenever you wish. Intend to give yourself a wonderful day. Intend the same for tomorrow. It will not be as daunting as you are thinking. While it may be difficult to feel our presence in your current state, know that we are here. Jeshua is dedicated to helping you at every turn with anything you need or choose. Call on him, me and Beings of Light. We are here for you. I love you.
September 5, 2023:
I am here for you, as always. Do you feel my presence now? It is a feeling of lightness. It is a signal that you seek. It is comforting to you and feels real, like truth. And it is. You are in a calm state and can more easily perceive that signal and my words. We are talking. It is what you desire. Desire is good. That insight is helpful as you pursue all of your goals and live your everyday life. Yes, what has just come to your mind is so. Go with the flow. We are here; we are helping.
September 7, 2023:
Jeshua: I am here. I am the one who has spoken to you all these years. You know me. You feel my vibrational frequency. It is as has been intended. You chose a most significant incarnation this time. You awakened rather abruptly, in your estimation, years ago. It was an exhilarating experience which you enjoyed immensely. Then came doubt, fear and that clouded the experience. You struggled with this lack of clarity and understanding. It results from past lives when you experienced trauma and pain because of your beliefs and your spiritual abilities. In this incarnation you seek to release the energy of those experiences. You have done very well with that. When you are in a low vibration frequency the doubt and fear from those experiences in past lives reemerges. You are aware of this in your present incarnation and have worked diligently to release past trauma as you move forward spiritually. In this incarnation you also wished to experience the reemerging of your spiritual gifts. This explains the many experiences you had that sometimes caused confusion, due to a lack of clarity and understanding. Even now you doubt that you are typing my words. It is part of the experience in this lifetime. While it may seem imperceptible to you, from the spiritual realm it is exquisite. Through your determination, your desire to grow spiritually and to connect with God while in human form is wondrous. Know that I have just said that. We are helping you to continue to discern accurately and to become more and more aware of our presence, of truth.
You are wondering why this is coming through so easily. That is because it is an expression of your spiritual gift of hearing. You may wish to release the belief that it should be hard to receive my words and those of God and Beings of Light. Know that you are bringing through messages of great import at this time. That is the role you chose. That role is to help prepare humanity for the engagement with beings from other realms. Whether it be those in spaceships or beings from the nonphysical spiritual realms is not of the greatest importance. What is important is that the awareness has come to the surface and humanity is becoming aware of other realms, other beings. You are being guided in this process. It is pivotal. Your role is to engage in the becoming of these matters. That is what you intended to do in this incarnation, to be a way shower. Your messages tend toward the next step in humanity’s future. What about your spiritual goals? They are also becoming. Your frustration is unfounded. You will experience all that you intended.
September 8, 2023:
You are a channel and all that it includes: spiritual hearing, spiritual sight, moving within dimensions such as when you visit me in the garden, your visits with Jeshua, and experiences at the cabin in the forest. You have moved into a place where you would like to continue channeling. You like the idea of putting your story and your channeled messages in a website and have begun to create it. You are now feeling self-conscious about putting the details of your awakening and subsequent spiritual experiences out there. I commend you for taking this on. It is part of the new step of which I spoke recently.
There is more to tell you about what is coming. I say so at this time because after your meditation you are in a receptive state. What I said about what will come, which I told you in December of last year, is so. You wonder about the timing and how to handle it before and afterward. It causes you great stress. We are sorry to see that. Know that we are standing by and lending a hand whenever possible. You read back through your channeled messages with me in 2019 and realized that some of what we spoke of at that time has occurred. You felt greatly encouraged and motivated to pursue the spiritual website. We are helping with all of it. You are also feeling more confident with channeling, less fearful about whether you are making it up. Be happy, we are working together on this channeling, website and all that is before you in your physical life.
September 15, 2023: I have been working on the channelings website and made some headway. That feels good although there is still much to be done. It was so calming and soothing to read back through yours and Jeshua’s messages. I call forth your presence and help.
I am here. There is much on your mind. Your meditation this morning was helpful. Our connection at this time is also helpful. I am always present, you may call on me at any time. When your vibration level is low, I feel far away. I never am. You did well this morning working through those feelings and moving into this place with me. Today will not be hectic, you will work through it well. I will work with you. It will flow. You would do well to remember who you are in the midst of all of this. You are physical and spiritual. You live in two worlds. By your meditation this morning and writing this message you are helping to bring yourself back into balance, living in the two realms. I love you and remain with you, as does Jeshua.
September 17, 2023: This morning I did some meditations, mostly to release fear and return to my heart center. Helpful but still not back in a good place with you, due to my vibrational level. I am creating my Spiritual Channeling website. Am I really talking with you? Hearing back from you?
I am here. Your discomfort is understandable. There is much before you. Understandable that you feel alone in this endeavor. I will say that it is not so. You are surrounded by helpers, loving spiritual helpers and guides. Hard to perceive, but it is so. You are receiving my message, hearing my words. Know it, believe it. It is so. It is your current vibrational level that is causing these doubtful thoughts. We are helping. I sent you the messages as did Jeshua and Beings of Light. I will help you straighten things out. It will not be as tedious as you are thinking. Thinking, that is the key word here, mind thought. You have taken steps to move away from it and have done so very well. I am with you and assisting you at all times. Let your day unfold.
September 20, 2023: Starting in 2019, as incredible as it sounds, I began experiencing a dialog with God, Jeshua and Beings of Light. Sometimes the messages related to my daily life and helpful assistance was always offered during what was a busy and stressful period in my life. In general, as I look back through the personal messages, there are several areas of focus. The first was on channeling and concerns that I was making things up, not actually channeling. Repeatedly, with extreme patience and love, God and Jeshua confirmed that I was channeling. It took time to release doubt and believe that I was receiving spiritual messages. Eventually the doubt was released and replaced with belief. I am now ready to share all that is contained in this website. The second focus was on who I am, a spiritual being living in the physical realm, as we all are. The third focus concerned the realization of my spiritual goals in this incarnation. Again, with extreme patience, that information was conveyed to me.