Spiritual Messages to Me - 2020

Throughout 2020, messages continued to reinforce that I was indeed channeling God and Jeshua. Discernment was discussed in response to my concern about channeling in truth and accuracy. I was reminded that channeling was part of my soul's plan prior to incarnation. Those messages were very reassuring. No one could have better coaches!

February 26, 2020:

God: Long ago you decided this was your goal. You came to this planet to assist humans in their next level of consciousness. You have not failed to not have done this sooner, it was planned this way. You have been led and guided throughout your life. There have been times when you felt this. You are correct in the feeling that you pursued certain things that you had not previously thought of. We have been overseeing all of this and now you are ready. I am speaking and you are typing my words. That is not what occurred years ago. Soon we will take another step. You are ready, committed.

April 5, 2020:

God: I will speak with you. We have much to talk about. You are progressing well in your spiritual evolution. Do not doubt that you have come a long way. Release doubt. Know. Further growth is at your doorstep. You need only open the door and invite it in.

How do I do that?

The door is your heart. Open it fully, embrace it. Do not hesitate, believe.

April 16, 2020:

Your job is to choose, to create and my job is to give you what you have desired. It is how everything works. That is how I set it up. Isn’t it a good system?

May 15, 2020:

Take heart, be happy. Enter into this process with joy in your heart. Your love for humanity has brought you to this place and you have the courage of your convictions. Your spiritual experiences have brought you to this moment. You will not falter in the face of resistance. I am in this with you, we are partners. There are others, incarnate and not, who stand ready to assist.

May 19, 2020:

You have asked for help with discernment and worked hard at knowing when I, Jeshua, other Beings of Light are speaking to you and perceiving the difference when it is your mind at work. Know that you are accurately receiving our words, messages and guidance. You are thinking that you have heard some of this before, and that is true, but it is worth repeating, worth taking in again and believing.

May 25, 2020: This morning I asked that we do something fun. In the afternoon God asked if I wanted to play a game and I happily agreed. He said he would say a word and I should respond with the first word that comes to mind. I believe God never does anything without a good reason, so I wondered where this game would take us. That in itself was fun. For example, he said “beautiful” and I said sunset; “tree” and I said majestic; “animals” and I said innocent. It went on like that and after a time, he said “Jeshua.” I had been curious about my connection with Jeshua, it seemed so strong and I had a feeling of knowing him. I had asked for clarity about that. In my spiritual readings it had been said that we worked together before and that he is my guide in this incarnation. In one of my meditations Jeshua and I were sitting on the bench in the natural setting, as we had several times and I understood him to say that we were familial in some way, maybe part of the same soul family. It felt like he might have been explaining that there had been that type of bond between us. That was my impression.

In today’s conversation with God, what I perceived was that there had been a bond between Jeshua and me. God said that we had been among the earliest group of souls, so in that sense we were closest to what we would call family. He said that we had worked together in other places and times, always for the good of others. During Earth’s earliest days, I had chosen not to be involved in the negativity that was occurring but eventually could not stand by. I immersed myself to help move toward the positive, to love. I regretted that I had waited so long and had indirectly contributed to the difficulties experienced on earth. Thereafter and to this day, in my many incarnations I sought to bring light and love to the world.

May 26, 2020:

Despite the ease of bringing through my words now, you still have a lingering concern that you are not channeling me, that you are making it up. I tell you; you are channeling me. This you have chosen and it is occurring.

May 29, 2020:

I understand your difficulty and the potential of communication not being from me, or Jeshua and this greatly disturbs you. It reminds you of the pain you experienced years ago and for which you suffered greatly. You have asked us to help, to give you a sign so that you will know it is us. You are confused because lately you have been hearing me very easily and we have spoken in conversation very naturally, often without a vibration. You liked our conversations very much and were feeling confident about the ease with which we were communicating. Then yesterday, you realized that what you were hearing might not be me and doubt and trust entered the picture. This is all understandable, we see it clearly. It has to do with your experience years ago and also past life experiences during which you suffered greatly for expressing your spiritual gifts. It is a tendency, a fallback position when encountering something in this incarnation that makes you uneasy in regard to a spiritual matter. We are helping you with this. Know it. You asked for tangibles and you will have them. Release doubt, focus on trust.

June 1, 2020:

Jeshua: I am with you. You just completed a powerful meditation, one that connects us strongly and through which I will communicate, as you have chosen. Here is what I tell you today. You have come a long way, both in physical incarnations and now especially, spiritually. In this earthly lifetime you decided to merge your physical and spiritual essences. You desired to move back and forth between dimensions and you have done so. This is your way now. This is who you are. We have been on this journey together, as you know. I am pleased to be a part of your life. I want you to know that we have been communicating as we are now, all along. You doubted at times, but now you know, you believe. You have also been communicating with the Father, you have not made that up. Believe. That is the word I sent you years ago. Remember? Now you are moving forward, spiritually. You desired to be a fully integrated fifth dimensional being and you have now become that. It is what the Father meant when he told you, months ago to try on this new way of being, wear it and see how it feels. You did not fully understand what he meant but it is becoming clear now. You understood the words at that time but not the living of it, the reality of it.

June 4, 2020: I did several guided meditations. They were inspiring and relaxing. I will see if Jeshua comes through.

Jeshua: I am here with you as always. You have asked for me to come through and I am doing so now. I am happy to be in your presence. You wish to know more about the fifth dimension. Your first question was whether you have attained that spiritual state. The Father and I have told you that it is now so. You wish to understand more about what you have been feeling. The vibration you feel, at times, is the fifth dimensional frequency. You have not known whether it was that or the Father’s vibration. That is because you experienced a vibration when he was coming through to you and now you are considering how you will differentiate it from the fifth dimensional frequency. You recall that the Father has told you that you do not need a vibration when he is communicating with you. You found that unsettling because it was, for you, confirmation of his presence.

The Father’s words and messages have become much clearer and you no longer require any further confirmation. You now sense when the words and messages are coming from him or another source. You are commended for your hard work in making the distinction accurately. Allow yourself to be comfortable with the fifth dimensional vibrational frequency, let it flow and be a part of you. It is the new you about which the Father spoke and of which I speak now.

You do not need the physical signal, a physical sensation that you perceived as confirmation of God’s presence. You have realized that you no longer need it as the Father told you previously. You now accurately perceive his active presence without relying on the physical signal. In the same way, we tell you that you are discerning accurately the Father’s words and messages without his vibration. You have already become comfortable with a knowing when he is communicating with you. Less and less you have asked if you are making things up. That is progress. Now you are worried that you must give up asking for the Father’s vibration when he speaks to you. That is not so, it is always available to you, for the asking, do not fear.

This is new information, let it settle. You will learn and experience more about the fifth dimension, as you requested. You will continue to receive and discern the Father’s words and messages as you have been and with more clarity. I am Jeshua, your brother, and I love you greatly.

June 9, 2020:

Jeshua: I am here. You are feeling more connected spiritually than you did this morning. Now I will tell you something else. You are moving into a new level, a new frequency. You have already felt a different vibration. It is all part of the process. We are helping you move forward; you are not alone. We know that it is difficult because you cannot see any tangible evidence of what is occurring at the spiritual level. You asked the Father this morning what he meant when he said he would be coming to you in a new way. He sent you the word ‘picture.’ That is correct. There is nothing to worry about, nothing to trouble yourself about. It is in process, let it happen. There is nothing you have to do.

June 16, 2020: I just completed three meditations. I was distracted by several matters this morning and had difficulty moving into a spiritual place at the beginning, but by the end was more focused. I ask for a message from Jeshua.

Jeshua: I am here beloved sister and sorry that you are distracted. I have come forward to help you. I was with you during the meditations and you sensed my presence. We sat on the bench in the place where we meet sometimes and I held your hand. You communicated that you felt it and that was so. Now to the issues that are troubling you. First, I will say that you did very well yesterday with your concern about connecting spiritually and the matters before you at your home. Most were resolved.

Your other concern is spiritual in nature. You know that you are connected with God and have a personal relationship with him which you desire very much. His presence and relationship are of great importance. You are very happy to be in contact with him and me. At times you feel very connected with us and other times, not so much. This, we have said, relates to vibrational energy fluctuations. You live in two spaces and your attention and experience varies during the course of a day. You are not doing anything wrong, what you are experiencing is normal. This is a time of great transition for you and is bound to be confusing. It seems as though there are many ups and downs. Not to worry.

You have observed that your connection with God and how he communicates with you is different at times. Sometimes he is very serious and other times, very lighthearted. Sometimes he seems distant and other times, warm and personal. I will say that God presents as he is requested. He does what you ask. Also, your perception of him depends on your vibrational level and state of mind at the time. You have seen him react in a way that you did not believe you called forth and it confuses you. It brings back the old fear that maybe, at those times, it is not really God, but another energy source, an experience that you suspect you had years ago. I will tell you your experience now is not from another source and you have nothing to fear in that regard. You are being protected as you have requested.

Within your personal relationship with God, your interactions can be whatever you choose. In fact, that is exactly what is happening. You are not always aware of choices that are other than conscious. That is what you are grappling with now. Choose what you would like to experience in your relationship with God. I love you greatly.

June 23, 2020: This morning I thought about vibrational frequency. I dislike the feeling of vibrational fluctuation and wish to learn to stabilize it.

How would you do that?
I would focus on knowing that I am a 5D being, breathing into it and repeating the I am word. I would focus on holding that vibrational level through intent and again, the I am words: I am holding my 5D dimensional vibrational level each day, through conscious intent. I would focus on releasing any fear-based thinking and maintaining a conscious connection, conversations and experiences with God and Jeshua.

June 28, 2020:

I am here. I will speak to you. You are progressing well in accessing and holding your fifth dimensional vibrational frequency. You are experiencing that vibration more often and more strongly. The vibration you felt this afternoon was fifth dimensional. Just now you heard me say that I would speak with you but there was not a vibration from me or Jeshua. Still, you knew you were perceiving me accurately. Let yourself feel good about that.

September 21, 2020: It is wonderful to perceive God’s presence as I go about my daily life. Last week I received an email from a greeting card website in which a new card was announced. I checked it out and was amazed that it was a picture of a beautiful garden gate that was open, and beyond it, a lovely garden. It was almost exactly like the garden where God has taken me.

October 6, 2020:

You are a pioneer, a leader in this regard, which is both exciting and at times, difficult. Still, as you have said, you raised your hand and volunteered to help humanity reconnect with God tangibly, while in physicality.

October 13, 2020:

You are recognizing that a tense and fear-based approach blocks your intent and that a love-based approach brings into physicality that which you intend. Moving away from a mind-based egoic approach is difficult for humans because it is such an integral aspect of your humaness. You live in a physical environment in which your existence requires the engagement of your mental faculties. In the conscious creation process, the most successful manifestation of your desires occurs when decisions are made from the heart. It is especially so with regard to spirituality.

October 15, 2020: This morning I considered whether to meditate. I heard: “Why don’t we just talk?” which prompted me to ask if it was my egoic self. The answer was “No.” I recalled that last night I asked for something good, something I would love. Maybe this is the answer. I heard:

I am speaking to you in response to your request and also in friendship.


Are we not friends?

I never thought about it that way, but yes, we are definitely friends besides everything else.

So, as a friend I will speak to you this way. You know, as you always have, that there is a reason, a mission for you in this incarnation. Until recent years you have not known what it is. Now you know. The grand project that you created two years ago was simply a continuation of what was planned all along. It seemed to be a new idea, a new plan and that is because previously it was not part of your conscious awareness. It was always there, at a deeper level. There is much love and appreciation for the efforts you have made with respect to how you have lived your physical life and also your spiritual evolution, in both cases as the Being of Light that you are. You have called Jeshua your BFF and that is so. You have been one from the beginning. In another way, you and I are also BFFs. It was always yours and Jeshua’s intent for me to be known as who I am, not as an entity with human characteristics: a good God, a bad God, vengeful, and so on. You know that I am not any of those things. I am love, pure and simple. I do not judge, punish or inflict harm on anyone. All that is experienced in your world and all of existence is a result of the creations of Beings. These creations, as I have said, are of their own doing consciously or subconsciously.

This is part of what you wish to bring to the awareness of others. Even though there was doubt, fear and lack of confidence you have felt at times, there was always a steadfast desire and commitment to helping others know God in a new way. You have accurately affirmed that knowledge changes lives. It changed yours, did it not? It is this life-changing experience you wish to bring to others. You have accurately reasoned that it is time for humans to view God as the Being that God is.

October 17, 2020:

Jeshua: I am here. What would you like to know?

Tell me more about our connection and who I am.

You are a Divine Being. All are Divine Beings. You carry that consciousness within. You awakened to that state of consciousness years ago. Now you have a strong desire to help others become aware of who they are, that is, those who are not already awake and desire to be so.

Know also, that what you have been hearing these past days is truth. It is hard for you to accept that you are not making it up. You are not. We are one and always have been, as I stated in the meditation to which you have just listened. That is what you are having difficulty absorbing. It is to be expected. You will come to believe it completely. It is part of the plan, a plan which was created long ago. In your concept of linear time, it has taken a long time to arrive at this point. From our perspective, it has occurred in the blink of an eye. It is here now.

November 9, 2020:

Jeshua: Do not put yourself in a place of unworthiness to manifest all that you choose. And now I will say that the Father enjoys engaging with all. Years ago, you called forth a personal relationship with him and that is what you have. It will continue and grow stronger. Take heart, beloved. There is so much love around you and all are encouraging and supporting you. You are not alone as you bring forth your spiritual goals. You are also loved and supported in your daily life, no matter what you undertake. There is no right or wrong to it. There is only life.