"I am happy to come to you in this way as you start a new year. It will be another year of new experiences for humanity. Much awaits you. The last two years have been challenging on many fronts and some of that will continue in the months ahead, although not as intense as in the recent past. Moving away from fearful thinking, as much as possible, will be helpful, for fear does not create positive outcomes. Fearful thoughts generate negative responses. Coming from a place of love, the heart, generates positive outcomes. A shift in perspective, from a fear-based focus to a love-based focus will be immensely helpful. It will be transformative, life changing. Like everything else, it will occur with conscious effort which will become easier as the process is engaged. You will sense the difference; you will feel it. I am with you at all times, in truth, I am you and you are me. We are One."
This is a pivotal time on Earth
"This is a pivotal time on Earth. While all that is occurring seems chaotic and at times difficult, in truth it is part of a plan. What kind of plan could this be? It is the falling away of the old in preparation for the new. It is part of the process of renewal. You are moving into a new way of being, energetically. As you do, some things no longer fit, are no longer working. It is all occurring at a very high level, at the collective consciousness. In your daily lives it may feel like everything is falling apart and in a sense that is true. At the same time, the new way of being, a higher vibrational level is occurring. Both are occurring simultaneously. In your quiet moments you can feel the new beginning. You incarnated at this time to be a part of the next step, moving forward."
How do you know it is truly me?
"How do you know if you are connected with me? How do you know it is truly me? Here is my answer. I speak in a quiet voice from deep within. You may feel a vibration, a sense of warmth, resonance, or just a knowing that you are not talking to yourself. When you are in a state of being, that is, in your heart space, you will perceive me. That is where our connection engages, not in the mind for it is not a matter of the mind. I am not a God who never speaks to you. I am available to communicate with you all the time. Your connection with me is there for the taking. If you wish to do so, breathe and put yourself in a calm state, a state of being. Move your consciousness to your heart area which is your place of love. From there, intend to connect with me and that is what you will experience. Would you like to try it?"
Guidance and energy is being sent to you
"Occurrences at the physical level are more easily understood than at the spiritual level. At the spiritual level you do not have the same indicators as in physicality. Yet, at a spiritual level the signs are everywhere. Guidance and energy is being sent to you continually but cannot be easily detected at the physical level."
"I wish to speak to you of love. You are a being of love and that is what resides within you. Fear does not, it is fabricated in the mind. All negativity, at its base, stems from fear. A person who is feeling fearful about something is allowing the mind to send that thought. Fear is a thought, not something that is a part of you. Remembering that is helpful when a fearful feeling occurs. You can consciously move through fear by focusing on it and releasing it."
What is the message of grave significance?
You said that there would be a message of grave significance. Can you say more?
"I will tell you that it is a cautionary note, not intended to cause fear. I will speak about the diversity on earth. You are of different races, different cultures, different belief systems and different levels of evolution. It is the same outside your world, in space. As on earth, there is tremendous diversity and civilizations are at various stages of their development. Some have their own agendas, based on how evolved they are. You do not yet see extraterrestrial beings other than the sightings of their crafts. You are being protected from interference. However, in the not-too-distant future, you will become aware of others who not of earth."
My message is about caution
"My message is about caution. Centuries ago, earth explorers landed at locations where indigenous populations resided. The visitors were greeted with open arms and by some, were considered to be gods. Unfortunately, the visitors did not have the best intentions for the indigenous people and much harm resulted."
"As is the case with humanity, visitors from outside of earth would be at their own stages of development. They would have a reason for arriving and may have their own agenda. Your precious planet is rich in resources which could be of interest to those who do not reside on earth. On the other hand, the visitors might be evolved beings of love, of which there are many in the universe, who wish to say hello."
"Consider a traffic light. Red means stop. Green means go. Yellow means caution. If the yellow light is about to change to red, would you step on the gas and rush through the intersection? Or would you choose to stop and remain safe? I would invite you to consider this analogy, should your world encounter visitors. They are not gods. Their purpose would not be to save you. With regard to visitors who may arrive, pause and exercise caution. Use your gift of discernment to decide how to proceed. My message is not intended to cause fear. It is, instead, a message of love, my love for you. Humanity is growing up, reaching a level of maturity and as would a loving parent, I counsel you on what may lie ahead."
"You received a serious message from me. It was a bit of a wakeup call. There are many ideas on earth about the arrival of extraterrestrials. There are stories and entertaining movies that with great drama predict visitors from outer space who say: ‘Take me to your leader.’ Unlikely. At the same time, I will say that there are many highly evolved beings of love throughout the universe who are sending energy to assist the human species at this time as you move into a new level of consciousness. This energy is reaching earth in increasing amounts and frequency. Many of you perceive it."
"Now I will speak to you about highly evolved beings of light and love, of which there are many in the universe. As I mentioned, they send high frequency energy to earth to assist as you move into a new level of consciousness. They wish to send you messages of hope and joy in your journey. Know that they have your best interest at heart. They are beings of love and truth."