Messages from Beings of Love and Light - 2023

We are beings from another planet

August 18, 2023

"We are beings from another planet, one outside your star system. We have come to speak to you about your planet. We observe that Earth is in distress, some of which is human made and other, part of the Earth’s natural cycle. There can be repairs made that will lessen the damage that has occurred if your species chooses to take that path. We and others send healing energy to your planet to assist in the restoration process. You have the means to make the changes that will be helpful for your planet’s future state. For now, you are experiencing the beginning of a cycle that will not be to your liking. It will be challenging. We share these words from a place of love and caring, not to cause fear. Eons ago, our planet was in the same condition and fortunately, we made adjustments individually and collectively to repair the damage that our planet had incurred. The same possibility is before you. We offer these words in support and love."

We are a Pleiadean Collective

August 25, 2023

"Beloved friends on Earth. We are a Pleiadean Collective. Thank you for receiving us. Our message at this time is about love and hope. While it seems that there is much damage and destruction on your planet, we observe that you will move through it. It is part of the renewal process which the Earth is moving through. Positive thoughts, positive intentions will be very helpful. You, too, are going through a process of renewal. The renewal process of which we speak is at the spiritual level. Positive energy is coming into your planet. Many are assisting with the transition Earth and all upon it are experiencing. While it can be challenging and at times seems hopeless, know that it is not. You are here to assist in this renewal process for Earth and yourselves. It is why you are here now. You chose to be a part of the renewal process, the progression to a higher state of consciousness. Be pleased by all that you have already accomplished and know that so much more is coming to you. We are sending our love and healing energy to you."

Greetings from the Pleiadian Collective

August 26, 2023

"Greetings. We are the Pleiadian Collective and are happy to come forth and share a message. Our message is about healing. Healing yourself, your loved ones, humanity, all living things and Mother Earth. We are healers and send our energy to your planet. We observe that many of you are engaging the healing ability within you and encourage you to continue to do so. Restoration is possible. It is within your grasp if you chose to call it forth. Each of you who do so affect the whole. Each of you make a difference in the healing process. We love and support you in all ways."