I created this website to share the wonderful messages I received from God, Jeshua and Beings of Light. These are challenging times on Earth. Their channeled messages are filled with love, caring and support.
I also included a summary of experiences along my spiritual path thus far. I was hesitant to do so but overcame that concern because I thought someone might benefit from knowing what I experienced along the way: confusion, lack of understanding, mind thought and discenment issues, joy and love.
Years ago,I had a life-changing spiritual experience and have been consciously on a path since then. Looking back, a pattern can be seen. The spiritual awakening experience, spiritual dreams and experiences, understanding the creation process, engaging in healing, spiritual channeling, amazingly, participating in a project of God's, and the development of my spiritual project, one that is still unfolding. Throughout the process I received personal messges from the nonphysical realm that helped smooth out the bumps in the road and for which I am so appreciative.
With Love, Ana
I can be reached at: [email protected].