God's Spiritual Project, 2022

January 4, 2022: This morning I did Daniel Scranton’s Andromeda Council of Light meditation. l asked whether they would like to come through.

The Andromeda Council of Light: We are here and pleased to connect with you in this way. We are also pleased that you liked our meditation. You did very well with the visualizations during the meditation and we wish to tell you that you did see an image of us and our planet, one of your former homes and indeed, where you originated. You also visualized the Arcturians and Pleiadeans. At times, you incarnated on their planets and others as well. During the meditation, they wished to come through and engage with you. They were very happy to do so and are glad you were able to engage with them as well. We will say that your spiritual goals will have a great impact. At times you doubt that you can manifest such a grand project. We wish to emphasize that you can and indeed, already have. This is a new year on your planet and is a good time to begin anew. That is what is happening right now. Your project is in place and ready to become part of your reality. We and others will remain with you, offering our energy, support and love.

January 12, 2022: Two days ago, God said that he would come to me in a new way. I believe it was in response to my perception that his signal was faint at times. I had attributed it to a low vibrational level. He said that was part of it, but there would be a new way. This morning while meditating I felt something new, a light tapping on my hand and twice, a scent, each one different. Not strong, very nice. I wonder if that is the new way. I asked why there is a need for a new way and heard that it was part of the development process.

While in meditation, I saw God in the earthsuit I created and he reached out to take my hand, as has been the case in the past. This time it was different than usual, we didn’t go into the garden. We were in a building and walked up two flights of stairs, the first of which was directly ahead, and the other, beyond a landing to the right. I wondered if we were in a different dimension. He said that we were and that others would like to talk with me if I wished. I said yes. Then I sensed others, although I did not perceive any physical form. They asked how they could help and I mentioned my difficulty with discerning, particularly of late. I also asked for help with manifesting my spiritual goals, and that I am working on controlling my thoughts, consciously choosing what I wish to experience. They said they would help with these matters. They were quiet, patient and respectful, seemed and gentle.

January 29, 2022: Yesterday God asked:

Would you like to go somewhere with me?

I felt the signal and felt confident that I was connected with God and hearing truth. I answered that I always like going places with him. I asked if I would like it and was told that I would love it. Of course, the mind got busy and wanted to know the when, where and how of it. I felt that it related to a spiritual experience, being somewhere else. I was told that God would be with me and also Jeshua if that would be helpful. There would be more clarity and I would remember things I do not now at a conscious level. That would be most welcome. Is it part of a step forward? Seems like it might be part of the plan.

February 6, 2022: It seems I had the experience of going somewhere with God. It felt as though I connected with The Elders and received calm and informative messages about my soul’s purpose in this life. Seemed to confirm that my experiences since 2000 are part of the plan and sharing my story can help others on their spiritual paths.

February 9, 2022: I meditated this morning and in late afternoon felt very connected with God. Several things came through and as usual, I checked for a signal, which I felt. I heard more of what, from the mind’s standpoint, did not make sense. In that moment I was concerned that I might not be God but my own mind thought and asked for a signal. I heard:

It is me; you don’t need a signal.

Next, we were somewhere. I was told that there is a new job for me, speaking with others who are interested in Earth at this time. I agreed. Then I sensed a presence of several beings. They asked me questions about living on Earth at this time and also about my spiritual goals. I told them how it is here and that I am committed to doing my part to help others. They asked if/how they could help. I said that assistance in bringing in my spiritual goals would be helpful. Also helpful would be sending energy to the Earth and all upon it. They said that they would. I asked about them, where are they, who are they and whether they have incarnated in physicality. I thought I heard them say they said they were in the 13th dimension. I said I was not aware that there were more than 12 dimensions and they said that there are many more than we are aware of. They did not have a tangible feel about them, more like I would describe as air. They said they are not physical beings. They are like overseers, helping, guiding. I thanked them for their help and then sensed them leave.

God had said that a new person would come into my life, someone who would help me. How would I know the individual? I was told that the being would make itself known. I heard that there is something coming up and is nothing to be fearful about, it is more of opening up of gifts, a knowing about the future. Later, a being came into my consciousness, someone who said he would help me. Is that who God said would be coming into my life?

A few minutes later, I felt a strong vibration in my solar plexus area. Not the vibration of a being I experienced before. I sensed that it was a positive being. Then it seemed like the being stepped back and I sensed God’s presence. I was confused and tried to center myself, to be in the present and release mind thought. I felt the presence of the being. I heard that it would assist in manifesting my spiritual goals. Don’t know if the scope was broader than that. I agreed to the assistance offered. I wanted to be open to it and not push it away with fear and resistance. Perhaps this the being that I was told would come into my life,  I asked God and Jeshua for clarity about all that I had perceived. The feeling from both was to let it settle, just let it be. I am trying to do so.

February 16, 2022: This afternoon I felt God’s vibration. He said that there was someone he would like me to meet. I noted that we were not in the garden as usual. I agreed and asked who the being was. I was told that it is from somewhere that we are not aware of, has never met a human and does not know anything about Earth. Then I heard a being thank me for speaking with him. He came through very clearly. He asked about Earth and I told him that it is a beautiful planet, a wonderful gift from God. I sent him images of a sunset, mountains, the ocean and lakes. About humans, I told him what it is like to be a human living on Earth. I said that it is a pivotal time here, we are moving into a new spiritual level. That causes turbulence and some people are aware and moving forward and some are not. We talked about religions and religious organizations. We also discussed my spiritual goals and my commitment to doing what I can toward our forward movement into a new way of being. I asked the being if he had form. He said generally he does not but can take form. It would be a form that I would not be familiar with. I asked why he was interested in Earth. He said that where he is from, what they do is learn about new places. He thanked me for our conversation and I sensed him leave.

May 9, 2022: This morning I meditated and then decided to meet God at the garden gate in the earthsuit I created. Together we went into the garden. He said that there was someone who would like to talk with me. I am there now, and we are walking through the gate into the garden. He said they are spiritual beings from a high realm who are assisting Earth in this time of transition. This meeting, he reminds me, is part of his project, the purpose of which is to engage in a discussion between other beings and a human who is living on Earth. He said that because I am a clear channel I can hear them and they can hear me. Hearing my answers to their questions will enable them to direct their energy to Earth in the most helpful way. He reminds me that this is not mind thought, I am not making it up. It is really occurring in another space, another dimension. It is a meeting place where we can come together and engage in a conversation.

May 16, 2022: This morning God asked if I would like to go somewhere with him. I said yes, as always. Then we were walking in the garden. He said he loved this and I said I loved it too. It was a very sweet moment. He said there was a group that would like to meet with me to which I agreed and then I sensed that we were in another place. There were beings present, I did not see them but it felt that many were present. It felt like there was a warm welcome. Then they asked about life on earth. I understood that they wished to help at this time and were asking so they could direct their energy in the most effective way. I spoke about Earth at this critical time, that it seems that things are falling apart, a falling away of the old to make way for the new. Nevertheless, it is a challenging time to be living there. There were questions about that. I hoped to have been helpful and a good representative of Earth and humans. It was a lovely experience.

May 21, 2022: This morning God said that the group I met recently would like to come through to which I agreed, happily. I did not type what they said and wish I had. I asked God to help summarize that was said, so here goes.

I am here and will help you recount this morning’s discussion with the group. You wonder who they are, do they have a name? They are from a high realm, an existence that you cannot understand through the mind. They are beings of light. They function as a group, without individuality. They told you that they wish to make humanity aware of them, as it is important at this time of change on Earth as you move into new way of being. As wonderful as that is, it is also challenging for those residing on Earth. The beings would like to help with the transition.

They asked if you would like to assist them. You were taken aback by this statement and did not understand how you could do that. Nevertheless, you agreed if it could help at this time. They were very pleased and happy to accept your help. They asked if you would be ready to perceive them. Your mind presented the thought that were referring to appearance in physicality. You then realized it was intended at an energetic level, perhaps in the place where God takes you. You liked that and agreed to it.

The assistance you agreed to provide to the spiritual group we visited recently will also continue. Multitasking, one does not preclude or delay the other. There will be clarity. Your communication with them is and will continue to be much appreciated.

June 21, 2022: Yesterday morning I meditated and felt that I was in a good place, spiritually. The Galactic Council came to mind more than once. Then it seemed that I was there again, in their presence. Of course, the concern about mind thought entered, but then I heard, very clearly:

Would you like to join us?

I replied that I did not know what that meant but trusted that it was positive, based in love and said yes. Then I was in another place. What came to me, energetically and telepathically was that I was on a planet that was in conflict. It seemed that two major factions were in deep conflict and were considering war. I had the feeling that they had powerful and very destructive weapons. It seemed that I was there to share the experiences we have had with two world wars, one of which involved the dropping of nuclear bombs. I related to them that we had to learn the hard way that war was not the answer to conflict. I said that even now, we are feeling vulnerable about the possibility of a war of superpowers occurring and we are exercising restraint so as to avoid that outcome.

I said that after the second world war we established two organizations, NATO in which countries band together and as a group guard against aggression or invasion by a country. The United Nations was also created after the second world war. Most of the countries in the world are members. This organization exists to resolve conflict and improve humanitarian, environmental and other matters of global concern. I shared this information as something we did in order not to find ourselves in another world war and it has, in large part, worked. Perhaps it could be a first step in that world toward an option to war. I communicated, as a person from a world in which two major wars did immeasurable and irreversible damage, that use of powerful weapons did not end well for us. I felt that I was being listened to. The experience seemed real. Afterward it occurred to me that I had just had the new experience of which God had spoken the previous day. God had told me, months ago, that he had a project which involved my connecting with beings in other realms. Afterward I had connected with the Galactic Council and several other groups which seemed to be a part of the project.

Last night I heard that there will be another experience. As usual, I asked if I would love it and the answer was yes. Instead of imaging, through mind thought, what it might be, I will relax and anticipate with joy.