Messages from Jeshua - 2023

I am Here With You

March 10, 2023

"I am here with you. Standing next to you. My presence is always with you. Sometimes you sense it more than others. Today I will speak of fear. Fear can overtake one. Yet, it is not real. It is a thought that creates an emotional response. When one is overwhelmed with fear it can seem impossible to release it in that moment. Release of fear can be accomplished through focus and intent. Focusing and intending to release fear starts the engine, so to speak. The fear might not subside at that time but intent and focus will impact the fearful thought and serve to diminish it at some point and there will be a feeling of relief. It will pass, although at the outset it might not seem possible. As a feeling of fear lessens, it can be replaced with love."

"A focus on the heart, the sacred heart, has been attributed to me in my lifetime as Jesus Christ. What was intended to convey was that the heart center is the essence of one’s being. That is where love is generated. It is where the soul resides, where the God part of every being resides. It is the place of love. In a state of great fear, it is more challenging to easily experience love, peace and calm. Remember that fear is not an intrinsic part of you. It is a thought that generates a fearful response, a fearful state of being. Fear in itself is not bad. It is a mechanism used by an aspect of oneself, the purpose of which is to sound the alarm, to caution the being and keep it safe. When overblown, a fearful state can become outsized. Know that you are in charge, you can consciously decide to focus on and release your fear through conscious intent and focus. I love you."

There is only love

May 19, 2023

"Let your mind relax and go with your heart, live within your heart, where doubt does not exist. When you are there, mind thought does not exist. There is only love. There is only God, me and beings of love and light in the nonphysical realm, the spiritual realm."

Earth is moving into a new phase

July 27, 2023

"Earth and all upon it are moving into a new phase. For some it feels scary because it seems that everything is falling apart. Even the Earth seems to be rebelling. There is confusion about what is happening. Norms are evaporating, untruths seem rampant, systems that were in place for many years are eroding and crumbling before your eyes. Will the Earth experiment succeed? Will the Earth calm herself? That is up to you. Some of the damage to earth is human made. It can be repaired if you choose."

"What now, you ask? Renewal. Many of you perceive the severity of the problem but others do not perceive it or humanity’s role in it and therefore do not see a need to engage in repairs."

"On a spiritual level, the human species is moving forward into a new level of consciousness. This you have heard before. It is so. Now it is directly before you and you are stepping into it. This new level is actually a higher level of consciousness, a connection with God while living in physicality. That was the original plan and now you are at the threshold. It can’t get any better than that. Move forward with confidence. I love you and remain at your side."

My message is about peace

August 26, 2023

"My message is about peace. Peace is available to you. Intend and it will be so. Intend from the heart area. The energy of peace is all around you. It can be engaged at any time. It is your choice. It is your creative gift. Calling it forth from the heart will occur when you so desire. From the heart you may engage anything you desire. We speak now of peace but In truth there is available to you anything that you focus on and intend. Know that it will be so because you have called it forth. Believe, trust, relax and open your heart and it will be so, maybe in that moment, or afterward. Be alert and you will perceive it whenever it occurs. You may wish to intend and focus on peace within you, as we are speaking of now and beyond that for loved ones and even broader for humanity, Mother Earth and all that reside on her. Go even further, if you wish and send the energy of peace out beyond your Earth and into the universe. It will be received. Know it, believe, trust. I am Jeshua and I love you. I am always with you."

I am at your side, as always

August 27, 2023

“Beloveds, I am at your side, as always. I never left you and never will. I will assist you in any way you wish, just intend to receive my help and it will occur. I will be there. Is that possible? You are creative beings and are capable of calling forth anything you wish. As you move into a higher level of consciousness, it will become apparent. You will experience that which you intend to create. That may seem out of reach, but I will say that it is within your grasp. To experience it, place yourself in your heart center, intend that which you wish to experience and focus on that outcome. Then let it go. Put it in God’s hands and know that it will come to you.”