Spiritual Readings

pink flower imageOver the years I had a number of spiritual readings about my soul journey. I wanted to know about past lives and if there are issues that are blocking my spiritual evolution. I also wanted to know my soul’s intent in coming into this incarnation and my next spiritual step. The spiritual readings resonated, felt like truth on a deep level and provided many insights. There were consistent references to communication, spiritual and psychic ability, healing, and life purpose. Highlights from the readings are summarized below.


Akashic Record Reading, 2011:

“In some lifetimes, you were a scholar of scriptures, smart, well developed mind.”

“You are a transmitter which is different than a channel.”

Spiritual Astrology Reading, 2011:

“You have a strong need to communicate and to interact with people. You enjoy using words and can have a real flair for getting your ideas across in a clever, interesting, articulate manner. Writing or speaking are areas you have talent for.”

“Your happiness lies in using your creativity and your language skills to communicate something meaningful, to teach, inspire, or bring people together. You have an unbiased mind and can usually offer a fresh, clear, uncluttered perspective.”

“Your gifts are a quick mind, verbal facility, a flair for language, social sophistication and polish, the ability to communicate, converse, and build bridges between people and between ideas.”

“You are a convincing speaker, bringing others around to your own point of view by the intensity of your convictions.”

“You have an aptitude for writing.”

Pamela Kribbe, Jeshua Channel 2013:

“If you would be comfortable with your own spiritual energy again and your unique lightworker energy, you would channel the Christ energy and express it through your writing. I feel that if you would dare to open up again, opening up to yourself, to your innermost being, then you would feel a natural kinship and connection with the Christ energy and this would become a part of your writing, in whatever form. It doesn’t have to be called the Christ energy; it doesn’t have to be spiritual writing. It could be, but it is more like the energy manifests itself through your writing.”

“Through the awakening of the Christ energy, you can bring something into the world which will touch people’s hearts. I am not seeing the exact form and shape it will take. Of course, writing is natural to you.”

“I feel that Jeshua and the Christ energy wants to be with you and in a natural, easy way, not in like an overwhelming experience but more like a natural partnership, so this can be very simple. I feel that by doing this or perhaps writing down a dialog you could have with one of your guides, you would find a way of feeling very peaceful and at ease with this flow of inspiration that wants to be a part of you.”

Arcturians, 2018:

“Your role has been one of diplomat, facilitator, communicator, where you helped bring matters to resolution.”

“You speak very differently, communicate, articulate, digest energy. You do it on a different wavelength or frequency. You’re learning to fine tune that again. It’s being turned on through what we will call a program.”

“You heal through talking, communicating.”

“You can tell your story. It can be by talking or in writing through the communication of your choice. A lot of people feel like they are alone. They feel disconnected from Source. By being connected, the shift will be created but many people are needed to help. You can explain this to others who are going through it because you have been there.”

“You have a recognition that you followed the spiritual flow in your life. That flow represented a bread crumb of inspiration. That is how creative life force flows. The pieces will fit together. A plan is forming. You might not have an awareness of it but follow the flow of energy. You came here to create that life force and share it with others. You might not have the entire plan in your mind right now, but as long as you are following the flow you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. We can promise you things will make more sense as long as you follow that creative energy.”

“When you first awakened, it was fun, exhilarating and amazing, and there were no thoughts about it being something not good. However, the experience you had, including the negative, was necessary because in your journey you learned things that could help you help others.”

Arcturians, 2019:

“Your role is in helping others. You have remarkable strength, the ability to connect and communicate with others from where they are at because you are empathic. You have a way to translate energy into language.”

I was told I am a transmitter, what does that mean?

“It is like a Wi-Fi signal. It is a channel-transmitting frequency. You could walk into, for example, a class and would be able to amplify others’ signals, helping them to connect, amp them up.”

“Channeling is your new method of communication, a new type of communication.”

“Books are in your future: teaching, helping and healing other people. That is also a healing journey for you. Those books will be valuable to others who need help. You can help others who feel stuck. Your gift to others going through spiritual growth difficulties is to learn what happened with you.”

“You can channel to publish. Many are recording and uploading to Internet, YouTube Facebook. Also, video and upload channeling for others. It may not be live but can be very helpful.”

“We see a book that is like a handbook; steps to help others.”

Akashic Reading, 2020:

“In this lifetime there is a body of work that you share through writing, audibly, or a series of lectures that are recorded and circulated. The light is coming through you and your human challenge is to find the best ways, not only to share the messages, but also to accommodate the transmission of the consciousness. In order to do that you will be experimenting with a variety of ways.”

“There are three phases in your current spiritual goal: planning, manifestation and sharing. The light of God is showing you the way. The issue before you now is, how you will walk into it.”


                                                                   Spiritual and Psychic Abilities

Akashic Reading, 2011:

“There were many lifetimes in which you were able to work with what seemed to be magical, shamanic.”

“There is a life that looks like it may be Mayan or Egyptian. There are monuments to the sun. You were a highly attuned being. Sharp mind, sophisticated. In that life there was a lot of natural ability, studying mathematical formulas. Also, you would go into trances. Today we call it trance channeling but at that time it was part of a religious regime. In that lifetime you were able to move into other dimensions and heal yourself and others.”

“In the last 10 years you have been walking in two worlds. The Record shows a pathway of light through which your consciousness can move from one dimension to another, consciously, deliberately.”

“You are full of light that is streaming forth from you. You can go back and forth between dimensions.” 

Spiritual Astrology Reading, 2011:

“You are gentle, sensitive, empathic, spiritual and creative, a person who understands how to offer service in a caring and non-judgmental way.”

“You are a natural student of the non-rational and do not have to be convinced that there are more things in heaven and earth.  You have plenty of empathy and an ability to work with symbols and images.”

“The spiritual planes can be used at three levels: Awake, where you are reacting to them and feel that you are a victim to the energies or you are using them negatively; waking, where you understand what the energy means and you try to use it positively; and awake, where you are operating from a spiritual perspective and understand fully the meaning of this planetary energy in your life and use it to benefit humanity.”

“The highest meaning of Uranus is a personal connection with the logical aspect of Spirit or the Universal Mind. This connection can be made through your guides, intuitively or by consciously learning to channel.  Innovations, insights, ideas come from Spirit, not from the rational brain.” 

Pamela Kribbe, Jeshua Channeling 2013:

“You had a very powerful, true and genuine connection to a source of light. I see the face and figure of Jeshua and it feels very true and joyful when you make this connection to him, the Christ energy and what he represents.”

“You are different, you are a lightworker soul. You have distinct intuitive abilities and you have to take care of yourself and be assertive, be very self-aware and know who you are and do what nurtures you even if it is going against social expectations or other people’s needs and expectations. This male energy, being assertive, stating your boundaries clearly, is the essence of your personal goals in this lifetime.”

“The Jeshua and the Christ energy wants to be with you and in a natural, easy way, not in an overwhelming experience but in a more natural partnership.”

Arcturians, 2018:

“You are a way shower.”

“We are so happy that you asked that first question for God to speak to you. And God spoke to you. God is in many forms and takes physical form, many times.”

“In your third dream with Jeshua, you opened the door to your new life, to the next leg of your journey. You have a blank canvas, you are creating your new life. He was telling you that. You did not fail at anything. If you had walked through the door, you would have had more clarity. But it is so important to be okay with who you are and where you are at this moment because the journey is so important to helping others. If it was too easy you wouldn’t be able to help others.”

“You have spiritual, wonderful, clear clairvoyance and that is rare. You are extremely, wonderfully clairaudient. You hear. Pretty rare.”

“There are two types of vision: clairvoyance, seeing things physically, and seeing in your spiritual mind, which we call spiritual sight and that will most likely become more prevalent for you again.”

“You are empathic and are able to feel what others are feeling.”

Akashic Reading, 2000:

“Jesus is real to you because you already know Jesus. You have always known him but in this lifetime, you are really embracing this, it is a magnificent relationship. It is as if you are in a reunion with someone you have always known.”



Akashic Record Reading, 2011:

“In past lifetimes, you had healing ability.” 

“In one lifetime you were a type of shaman; healed with plants.”

“In another lifetime you were able to move into other dimensions and to heal.”   

“Healing radiates from you.”

“An issue in this lifetime is how to be an instrument so healing can shine forth.”

Spiritual Astrology Reading, Jane Ritson, 2011:

“You are capable of healing through your presence, openness and willingness to listen. You know intuitively what help is needed.  You cannot heal another person; they have to do it for themselves but you can give them the belief.”

“The 12th house is a difficult area for the Sun as it is an ego-denying house and gives the urge to work behind the scenes, to be drawn more to helping and healing activities and to sublimate yourself to another person or a worthy altruistic cause.” 

“With your Moon in Pisces, you possess compassion, gentleness, sensitivity and healing qualities.” 

“Pluto is about transformation, and the alchemical process is a good analogy for Pluto. In this process one seeks to transmute one thing into another. Magicians of old knew that this was not a matter of force but of accepting the element or object in front of them at an emotional level and releasing it from its current form in order that it could catalyze into something different. This level of acceptance, focus and controlled use of power is good for you to practice, as it releases a byproduct, that of healing.”

Arcturian Reading 2018:

“You have a healing signature. Healing energy comes through your hands although you do not need to lay hands on someone to engage this healing. You also heal through talking, communicating.”

Akashic Record Reading, 2020:

“Your caregiving experience with your husband was really tough and it broke open your personality, your healing self so that more light could come through. It pushed you into greater Divine reliance. It helped you make that shift. It is quite impressive."


                                                                            Life Purpose

Akashic Reading, 2011:

“Outstanding citizen, noble human characteristics, sensitivity increasing over time.”

“Striving to find the right use of this sensitivity; the higher purpose for it is in this lifetime.”

“Multidimensional, internal/external reality from a spiritual perspective. Embrace of Jesus, your awareness, distinct initiation into a new realm. The awakening was so personal; the God presence was moving through you. You stepped into a new dimension.”

What about my dream in this lifetime when Jesus opened a door for me and I didn’t step through it? “The door is still open to you. The purpose of this lifetime is to walk through the door as a human with Divine compassion.”

“The exchange with Jesus in 2000 was life changing. It was so much greater than anything you could comprehend.”

“This life’s purpose is to shift from self to Divine; this is radical and profound.”

“There have been many incarnations, a sign that you are in your maturity and awakening and aligning with your Divine destiny. You have maturity at a time when humanity is in turbulence.”

“This lifetime, the awakening with Jesus was the starting point. Be present with his energy and allow it to work through you and allow yourself to be in that vibration.”

“You are very resonate with the vibrations of the Akashic Records. No doubt you have worked with the records in past incarnations.”

“Your current incarnation it is remarkable, the next spiritual step is unfolding.”

“Your current lifetime is ordinary, not sensational like some former lives. It is about your consciousness moving back and forth with little or no glamor. Very specific.”

“From the perspective of the Akashic Records, this is the story of your life, surprisingly detached but warm underneath. In the context of the Records, it is breathtaking. In the last 10 years you have been walking in two worlds. The Record shows a pathway of light through which your consciousness can move from one dimension to another, consciously, deliberately. This could be the way for you in this lifetime. You are not here on behalf of an organization. You are an agent of Jeshua. You are not part of any religious organization.”

“In the center of your being there is an internal pillar of light, if you moved it to your heart center it would be like a reflective surface. This is the dimensional, the entrance path to the innermost soul. This is the plan for this lifetime.”

Pamela Kribbe, Jeshua Channeling, 2013:

“When I look at your aura, the energy field surrounding your body, I see a lot of white surrounding your head and shoulders and I see devotion within this white energy.”

“The third eye is the location of the sixth chakra.  This energy center could bring you a lot of information which you discovered during your spiritual experience in 2000.”

“I see like a cloud of pink coming from your heart, a very loving energy, also in service to others. It is a gentle and kind energy that is flowing from your heart.”

“I feel it is your soul’s personal goal to be able to restore the balance within. In your current life it is a central issue for your soul to balance the male energy of saying no, of having boundaries and being discerning, with female energy of knowing how connect, being of service to others and being very kind. It is important goal for your current lifetime to balance, to be able to stand up for yourself when you need to."

“There is a more universal goal, something which is transcending the personal level and this is what you sense wherein you have a spiritual purpose. The awakening in 2000 helped bring you closer to that spiritual purpose. The caregiving responsibility is stepping into your spiritual powers and it is very much tied in with your personal soul’s mission to accomplish a balance between giving and receiving and connecting with others, being in service to them and at the same time claiming your own space and doing what you really like to do.”

Arcturians, 2018:

What is my purpose in this incarnation?

 “You went through the experience of who you were and who you are now. You are a way shower. You can articulate your many talents or signatures and we are willing to help you with any of that. Do it a little at a time. We will show you how to connect with us.”

Arcturians, 2019: 

“Your role is in helping others. You have remarkable strength, the ability to connect and communicate with others from where they are at because you are empathic. You have a way to translate energy into language.”

“You can see the Fifth Dimension if you wish. Set intention, ask to be guided around it, see it. It is a state of consciousness.”

“Your spiritual growth is accelerating now; it is weeks or less. Vibration is allowing and creating tools of forward movement.”

Theo Group, 2019:

If I had stepped through the door in the third dream, what would I have experienced or if it was symbolic, what did it signify?

“The open door was symbolic.  You stepped through the door.”

I did not step through the door in the dream.

“Not in the dream but you did in life.”   

With regard to the fourth dream, and Jesus’ visit, what did that dream signify?

“Jeshua is your mentor and a guide, supportive, and you know that.”

“You came thinking you could not be the receptor that you could be. A bit of a wobble in the beginning but fully replaced with confidence, the confidence that you are the person that has gifts of knowing that serve you well. You had those shown to you. Then there would come that moment of thinking and then in that thinking the door is opened, the abilities are open and flourishing. Trust yourself.”   

Akashic Reading, 2020:

“This is the lifetime you have been waiting for. What is really significant is that it is a lifetime of synthesis and integration. You have had scores of lifetimes which included sometimes intense, rigorous spiritual development. The real challenge in this lifetime is your spiritual leadership in the world rather than in a religious setting.”

“In this life you are in the world as a woman. In some other lives you were in leadership as a woman and it got you into trouble. You paid dearly for it. That will not happen in this life. You have a couple of pieces of the puzzle that are new and helpful and exciting but demanding.”

“In this lifetime there is a fusion of your humanitarian ideals and your spiritual principles. We see a new level of spiritual awareness and spiritual expression.”

“In this lifetime there is a profound desire of your soul to be a reflective agent for Divine reality. You will do this.


My appreciation and thanks to the individuals who conducted the spiritual readings:

2011 and 2020: Akashic Reading by Linda Howe, Doctorate of Spiritual Studies, Akashic Studies, teacher and author.

2011: Spiritual Astrology Reading by Jane Ritson, British spiritual astrologist and author.

2013: Pamela Kribbe, psychic reader and healer who lives in the Netherlands. She obtained her doctorate in philosophy of science in 1997. She channels Jeshua and other spiritual beings.

2018 and 2019: Arcturian reading, by Debbie Johnstone, a practitioner of energy healing and channeler of the Arcturians who have been guiding us for a very long time.

2019: Comments from Theo, a collective of 12 archangels channeled through Sheila Gillette, channel, author and co-founder along with her husband Marcus.