This year was very busy. I struggled at times with keeping a balance between the physical and spiritual levels. I received many words of encouragement. I was told that I am achieving all that I intended in this incarnation. There was a focus on confidence building and assurances about my spiritual goals. I was reminded that I have already experienced the manifestation of some of the goals and to be confident that the rest will become manifest. This page contains messages from February 19th and through May 11th. The year's messages continue on page 2.
February 19, 2023: Can you talk to me?
God: With pleasure. This has been a very busy time, momentous. You are working through it well. There is activity on many levels. All of it is consequential, intense. You are greatly unsettled by the scope and magnitude of it. Know that it is temporary. You are moving through it. Sometimes you feel that you are not up to accomplishing all that needs to be done. You are. You always have been. This is just another phase. Not to minimize it, it is not at all trivial. It is momentous. Some of what you are experiencing relates to other of your incarnations. Remnants, you might say. Then there are all of the responsibilities and activities that are upon you at this time. They are part of what you have desired in this lifetime. You are concerned that all you are immersed in is pulling you away from your spiritual state. It feels that way, but in truth, it is not. What you are doing now is part of your spiritual evolution. I commend you for meditating and staying connected with me although it does not seem so compared to previous times. It is okay to be immersed in earthly activities. That is part of why you are here. Understandably, it feels overwhelming at this time. That intensity will pass. Indeed, it is doing so at this time. We can still have our experiences together in joy and love as we have in the past. Do not worry. It is not gone.
February 21, 2023:
Just finished the meditation, Channeling Jeshua. I call him forth and see what he has to say.
Jeshua: I am here with you, as always. We are one in every way. What I have said to you in the past is truth. We are the same. We are part of what you call the Jeshua Collective. You have been hesitant to accept this because you believe the Collective to be far more advanced than you, far more evolved. We are evolved, that is truth, and so are you. You cannot easily perceive that in your current incarnation. It has not been your understanding for many years although you had inklings of it. I explained it years ago as we sat on the bench in the park that we are a group in oneness. You perceived that as some type of familial state and it is so. You also sensed a deep love between us and that is also so, as I explained at that time.
We are a Collective, a Divine Collective in oneness. You have chosen to incarnate in this lifetime and much is shrouded, by design. That is why it is difficult for you to incorporate that knowledge while in your physical state. Have you not seen hints along the way? The dreams in which I appeared and we connected. The dreams were symbolic of many things, among them, our personal connection, familial, you might say and our spiritual goals. For eons we have worked in concert, each time with the desire for others to know God and know themselves as Divine Beings. A mass awareness of those facts is now occurring in the human species. I incarnated as Jesus to bring that awareness. You and others are incarnate now to help further that goal. It has seemed to be a slow and late awakening. You wish you could have awakened sooner in this life so that you could do more. In fact, you are doing just that. Living through the journey is what you intended so that you could help others through the knowledge of your lived experience. In short, to help others walk a mile in your shoes so that they too could experience God, the nonphysical realm and become aware that the human species is taking the next step in its evolution. A spiritual evolution. The goal is to return to a state of physicality with a direct connection to God and the nonspiritual realm. To be beings of light and love because that is who you are.
You need not doubt this any longer for deep within you have a knowing of it. The mind may try to talk you out of it but at the soul level you know the truth. Allow yourself to accept this as truth. You are proceeding just as planned. It is not taking too long, it is taking exactly the time it is supposed to take to unfold and manifest in your physicality. Be patient, it is here. I love you my beloved sister.
God: One of your spiritual goals has always been to help others move forward spiritually. Your channeled messages are one way to address that goal. You do not yet see the manifestation of your other spiritual goals but they are being manifested, as we speak. You have seen that your creations manifest in your physical reality. You know this, you experienced it. You have worked at releasing fear, control and doubt. Good. You are aware that focus and intent are the keys to the manifestation of your creations and you are following that path.
I know this, I have heard it before. I feel like I am in a holding pattern, spiritually. Having said that, I also know that it is up to me to keep my vibration high.
God: I know that you are feeling somewhat stuck, but that is not so. You are not preventing or delaying the manifestation of your spiritual goals. All is moving forward on that front. You are also returning to my project, which I very much appreciate. The reason that you have not continued to participate fully in my project is that you have doubt about whether or not it is real. You also don’t want to be what you consider a pest. I wish to say that it would be impossible. The Beings very much enjoy their interactions with you. You have the gift of spiritual hearing. It is not common, it is an ability you chose in order to achieve your spiritual goals. It serves you well in that regard and also facilitates the engagement of a two-way communication with non-physical Beings of Light. They do not often engage with humans in that way and for them, it is special.
I feel good about returning to this conversation with you. It is comforting and feels loving. Thank you.
I am glad to connect in this way with you. You are becoming more confident in your interactions with me, not as reticent to believe. You may wish to channel messages, as you are in the zone, so to speak. There is much to share.
February 24, 2023:
I just completed a releasing and processing fear meditation. Will you share with me?
I will, with pleasure. You were feeling unsettled, somewhat anxious. The meditation helped. Now we are connected in this way, as you desired. I delight in our communications, of all kinds. For you, this approach helps to verify that we are communicating. It is very much your intent to connect with me accurately. Discernment issues in past and present lives have made you wary at times. You are concerned that your mind can get into it and you feel you do not have a way to confirm that what you are perceiving is me, Jeshua or other spiritual beings with whom I connect you. Know that this is a normal concern. Indeed, our communication and my presence within you cannot be perceived through your physical senses. It is all outside the mind and therefore cannot be processed through the intellect. It resides in the heart. Because of your experience in this regard, doubt enters and you become dismayed. This is a phase, part of the process of evolving. You are moving through it, although it may not seem so. From our perspective, it is proceeding as intended. This is one of the possibilities you planned before incarnating in this lifetime. You desired to release the trauma and pain from past lives which presented in this life as issues of doubt and discernment. The energy of those experiences remained with you as you incarnated in this life. You have worked very hard to release those past experiences. It is not easy to consider the difficult discernment experience in this lifetime years ago as a gift to you from you but that is so. It was the process of releasing all of the energy related to it. You have done well. It has been difficult but you have made great process. I will be with you today as always.
February 25, 2023:
During our experiences together, I have connected you with Beings in other planets, star systems, galaxies and the spiritual realm. You have always felt safe because I am with you during those interactions. You feel their joy, their love. You sense their vastness, highly evolved states and consciousness. It is uplifting even afterward. While you do not always know how to identify them specifically, you have a general sense of who they are. You feel their vibrations which you have intuitively described as signatures. It is so. Each being is unique. Each being has their own unique way of identifying through their vibrational energy level. You said that you like these interactions very much.
This morning you focused on releasing doubt about accurately perceiving my words and those of other Beings. Are you making it all up? No. Your gift of spiritual hearing enables you to align with the frequency of those Beings who have been in contact with you, including Jeshua, other highly evolved Beings of Light and me. Your desire to release doubt in this regard and believe that you are experiencing truth represents growth, a step forward. Know that you are hearing me in this moment, with these words. Believe it. Feel it in your heart, for that is where you will unite with me. I am always here, always ready to connect with love and joy.
February 26, 2023:
Not sure if my vibration is high enough to receive a message from you.
It is and I will communicate if you wish.Yes.
Good. This morning you are feeling, as you said, generally anxious.
I feel this is not you.
It is. Let’s talk about doubt, since that is what you are feeling now. You said you do not perceive me as clearly now as some other times. That is because mind thought has entered. Your mind is not clear at the moment. Not a criticism, an observation. You are feeling uninspired, for the same reason. Again, mind thought. If you want to return to the clear communication with me, Jeshua and others, return to your heart center. Let mind thought go. You are realizing more and more that this is the path. No, you are not making this up. I am speaking to you, through you to place these words on paper. Do you feel my energy at this moment when I share these words? Yes, it is me. Believe it. Know it. Be confident that it is truth. You are moving into this state of being more and more although it does not seem so. Why do you doubt? Do you not feel worthy? Do you believe you are not good enough for God to speak with you directly? That is the reason for your current unease. You desire certainty, verification. This is due to your discerning issues years ago in this incarnation and past lives. The certainty you desire is coming to you, as you have been told. In the meantime, know, believe and be confident of my presence and our communication. Experience it with joy and love for that is the intent.
February 27, 2023:
Just finished meditations. The last one was channeling Jeshua. I would like to hear his message.
Jeshua: I am here, as always. I want to assure you that you are channeling me at this moment and at other times, God. You also connect with other Beings of Light. When you wish, God takes you to them. That is his project, as he explained. You doubt yourself, at times. Understandable, as there is no way to validate what you are receiving through your human senses. That which you receive during these interactions is not of the physical realm. I wish to reassure you that what is coming to you is truth. Yes, the mind tries to step in, that is to be expected. You have refined more and more your ability to discern when you are receiving from us. That concern is still with you to a certain extent due to trauma that arose in past lives and years ago in this incarnation. As was explained, in this incarnation you are releasing the pain and trauma that resulted from past discernment issues. Your experience years ago was a gift, a way to trigger the process. Yes, it was very difficult and you still are concerned about differentiating between truth and mind thought when it comes to receiving from the spiritual realm. Keep going, you are doing well with this transmission, which is truth. You requested a way to know, verify that what you receive is truth. We will provide a way so there is no confusion. That is what you have chosen, a knowing and it is coming to you. You have done the heavy lifting, so to speak, and now you are moving into a place of confidence and knowing. Keep going, keep channeling as you are now and it will help you move forward. I love you, my sister.
March 2, 2023:
God: As to your concern about your role here, in this incarnation, you are asking if this whole spiritual life experience is just an egoic trip. You became concerned about this when you read a recent transmission from the Arcturians. What they said is truth. However, it does not apply to you insofar as trying to save the world. Your goal, prior to incarnation in this lifetime was to do exactly what you are doing now. Awaken, experience and move forward spiritually. Your experience of me, my love is so deep that you wish others to experience it. You always add, if it is what they choose. You are not seeking the limelight, the opposite. You do not want to be the one who saves others. As you have said, many times, you wish to offer the experience to those who wish it: to experiencing me in a deep way; to know that they are divine, creative and empowered beings; and to know where the human species, indeed earth and all her inhabitants, are going. That is, to the new way of being. Full physicality while being directly and tangibly connected with me. As I have said, that was the original plan. It has taken eons when considered in a linear timeline. For us, it has been but the blink of an eye.
This is the next step. Coming of age, very special. Help is pouring in from loving beings throughout the universe and the nonphysical realm. Yours is not an egoic adventure. It is spiritual. It is difficult at times because it feels as though no one understands you. You bring light and it is received. You strive not to be judgmental and that is commendable because it would be easy to do so and each time that thought begins to form in your mind you intend to release it. Your progress is imperceptible to you but to us, to me, it is moving forward as intended. Be confident in yourself and your purpose. It is not egoic, it is spiritual, part of the plan. Be the love that you are. I love you and remain with you always.
March 5, 2023: I just heard you say that you would speak to me. I haven’t meditated this morning and my vibration is not high. I am also not in a positive place.
I will speak to you thusly. Yes, currently your vibration is not high and you are not in a positive place. Yet, it does not need to remain so if you do not wish. Take heart, there is love and light all around you. In truth, that is who you are, you just are not feeling so at the moment. You were so happy the other day when you felt so connected with me, I was so close. I am always so, although it might not feel like it at times, such as now. Yet I am no further away now than I was the other day. It is a matter of perception, clarity and belief. Yes, it is also a feeling.
March 6, 2023: Jeshua?
I am here, beloved sister.
I choose truth.
You have it. Let us speak of the future. Your future. In truth, there is no such thing. All is now. In your human physicality you exist within the construct of time and do so in a linear fashion. For years you have been awaiting the fulfillment of your plan, your intention for this incarnation. For you it has been a long time and that has caused doubt and at times, frustration. Do not chastise yourself, it is to be expected. In your current physicality you perceive a narrow slice, as it were, of all that exists. By design, as it would be too much to hold otherwise. You are often hard on yourself. I would say, give yourself some slack. All is unfolding according to plan. The passage of time will neither inhibit nor prohibit the manifestation of your spiritual goal. You need not be concerned about the how-to part of manifesting it in this incarnation. It is already done. Step back and let it unfold in all its glory. You are not delaying or changing it, as you have been concerned. We are coming to you as you intended, as you created and as you have called forth. Be joyful, it is magnificent. It is pure love, manifest. It is joy. Be the love that you are. I love you.
March 7, 2023:
God: We both very much enjoyed our interaction last night. It was two-way. Thank you. It is part of the new way of being that I described to you previously. You did not fully understand what that meant or how it would manifest although you had an idea that it would involve a closer, different connection. That was accurate. Last night you felt our connection stronger, in a new way. Fluid communication, easy, effortless. Almost physical in that you felt I was actually holding your hand. It was so. That physical connection can continue if you wish. It is all part of the manifestation process, moving into a place of complete and joyful receptivity of my presence in physicality. It is here.
You are moving forward spiritually. I am working with you, alongside you. Coaching, counseling, advising. That is what you intend and it is so. I love our connection. You can experience me in any way, at any time. You have not given up the garden and our experiences there. You have simply broadened your horizon, opened up new vistas. The experience that day of moving into a different place did not signify an ending. It heralded expansion. The thought that you had to give up our experiences because that could be holding you back from moving forward is mind thought. Know it and decide whether it serves you. If not, release it as you are doing so well with releasing fear. You are becoming more confident with our channeling. Last night you asked some interesting and perceptive questions about me, who and what I am. I will explain it to you. Be the love that you are. I love you, my beloved.
March 8, 2023: Need help today. I am feeling unsettled. Be there with me, strongly connected.
I am here. There is much to discuss. I am with you now, as always. We are becoming more and more connected. In truth it has always been so, now you are perceiving it on a more conscious level. These conversations are helpful. Do not be discouraged. Know that I am with you. Draw strength from it. Most of all, know that we are connected, I am with you at all times. Yes, repeating but it is worth it. We can feel as connected as you wish. Let’s stay connected. I love you.
March 9, 2023: I heard you say that there will be a new event. Don’t know what that means. Wondering if the event will be on the spiritual level.
Let’s talk about how you are feeling in general. Know that you are moving forward, spiritually. That is your goal in this lifetime. It manifests in many ways. Although you feel that you have not made progress throughout the past years, I will say that you have made great gains. Not all spiritual progress can be measured by obvious steps. Progress can be measured by the way life is lived. Yours has been a life of giving, although in ways that do not strike you so. That is because your ways of giving vary. This has occurred in your early years, your career, your family caregiving, your loving and caring of your animals and nature around you.
March 10, 2023:
Jeshua: I am here with you. Standing next to you, as requested. My presence is always with you. Sometimes you sense it more than others. Today I will speak of fear. You just finished the releasing fear meditation, although you were not feeling fearful at this time. Still, it is beneficial to open up a space where fear previously presided. Just keep going, it is all right. You are channeling.
March 11, 2023: I have finished my meditation and will see if there is a message.
God: There is indeed a message. Know that I am with you. There is much going on in your life. It is disconcerting, unsettling. That is why you are feeling anxious. While you feel there is much to do, I will say that you have accomplished much also. Be kind to yourself, you are doing very well with all that is before you. Do you not feel that some of the intensity has passed? Be confident that it is so. You are moving forward both in the physical and spiritual realms. You cannot see all that is occurring in the spiritual realm. Know that there is great progress forward.
My words today are about encouragement. You are achieving all that you intended in this incarnation. There is more. It is coming to you. I spoke to you the other night and told you so. Understandably, you wanted to be sure it was me. This is what I have to say to you today. It was me and it was truth. You will experience all that I told you. You are who I said you are. Your part, your role in this is to believe it. Be confident and know that it is coming to you, all that I spoke of. It was not someone else speaking to you. You asked for a way to know that, for my help and I am providing it. There is more that I will send you and there is more that is coming to you on a spiritual level. Be confident. I love you and am available to you in any way, at any time.
March 12, 2023: Can you talk to me?
Yes, I am here, as always. You are encouraged by the channeling that you have done in these past two months, more confident that you are hearing truth. This has been, in itself, a step forward. Growth. It will continue. All part of the plan in this incarnation. While some of it has seemed difficult, other parts have seemed seamless. You are becoming more confident as can be evidenced by the typing of these words. Do I not come through clearly? You have allowed yourself to be in a state of receptivity. More progress.
March 14, 2023:
Today you said you did not feel as connected with me as the previous days. You said that you know it has to do with your energy and vibration level and that is so. There is much on your mind which makes it difficult to switch gears, so to speak, to the spiritual level. However, you are doing so now. We are having a conversation. We’re best friends, are we not? Best friends talk and work through things together as we are doing now.
March 16, 2023: I meditated just now, but don’t feel I am in a high vibrational state because so much mind thought is interfering. I would like to hear from you now.
I am here. Do not doubt that you are hearing from me. We are having a conversation. You asked for my help and you have it. There is much going on in your life. It will not always be so. You are working with what feels like an endless list. Consider how much is in front of you, yet what you have already accomplished. There are many messages available for you to channel. Believe and trust and it will happen. Do not worry about making it up. You are not.
Here is what I will say. Moving forward, evolving spiritually is why you are here. That is what you are doing. In truth it is what you have done throughout your life in this incarnation. It has not always seemed to be at a spiritual level but I will say that it has been so. Living from the heart, engaging in your daily life from that place is what it is all about for you. It was not always obvious in a spiritual way, from that perspective until recent years when it became a goal of yours, at a conscious level, to evolve spiritually. From then on, your perspective included the spiritual. You can reflect and will see that it has been so. It continues and at a more evolved level. It seems slow but in truth it is not. That is a perception. There is help all around you, you are never alone. We can continue to have our experiences as we have in the past. The love and joy await you.
March 17, 2023: I just meditated. Feeling better this morning although there is so much to do. I am feeling the pressure of it.
I am here. I share my love and presence with you continually. Your meditation just now helped to raise and maintain your vibration, making it easier for you to hear me and experience my presence. All is coming to you, that is what I will say at this time. Yes, you have heard that a number of times but it is worth repeating. Reassurance. You do not have a way to experience it tangibly with your human senses, so this is the way I can communicate all you will experience, all that you have called forth. I am speaking most specifically now, of your spiritual goals. Know it. Believe it. Have you not experienced the manifestation of your spiritual goals in the past? It was, years ago, a way for us to demonstrate in your physicality that you do indeed create and manifest that which you intend and call forth. Do not be concerned, it is coming to you. It is here. I am with you in love, always. We are experiencing a true friendship, a true connection. I enjoy that very much. Thank you.
March 20, 2023: Can I hear from you?
Yes, most certainly. I enjoy our conversations. You are feeling at loose ends because there is much on your mind. You have been concerned that you are not receiving my messages as clearly as you have in the past. I will say that the higher your vibration, the clearer and more fluid are my messages. On a regular basis you complete two meditations in particular, releasing fear and raising your vibration and they are helpful in moving into the zone, so to speak. Earlier you received messages from me and other Beings easily. Now you feel stuck, the messages are not coming through as readily. Do not worry. It is only a matter of vibration, confidence and belief. It is all available as was so in the past. Even now you are hesitant, not confident whether you are typing my words or making up your own. Know that we are in conversation. Know that we can be in the garden and have our conversations as well as communications with others.
Do you see? I am right here with you. My words are coming through easily. As we discuss more broad metaphysical matters you will become more confident. It is a learning process. It is easier, at the moment, for you to discuss your life and current issues and activities than broader metaphysical matters, but you are getting more proficient at receiving those communications. You are stepping into that space, the ability to perceive those messages as easily as you are perceiving my message at this moment. Another matter, you are concerned about getting back to the connection with me that you love. I, too love it. It is available at all times. Intent and focus along with a high vibration level are the keys to it. I am right here with you. My love, I am always with you.
March 21, 2023: Is there a message?
I am here. This morning you meditated and raised your vibration. Now we will speak of something new. You are wondering what your next step is and I will tell you. All will come more easily. You will feel that your efforts over the years have paid off. It will be rewarding because you will see results. You will see that your manifestation ability has increased and you will see the result of your intent and focus more quickly than you have in the past.
I think I will switch to typing what I am hearing.
We can do so. There is no one way, no correct way to do this. There are different ways to receive my words. It is okay to feel unsure about repeating and inserting my words into a document with a dictation ap. That you are not comfortable yet, confident, is to be expected. You were not confident when you started typing my words directly into your computer but now you are much more so. Work within your comfort zone for now.
March 25, 2023: I just read through all of the dialog in this document. It was, once again, enlightening and joyful. From here, in the physical existence, channeling seems strange, unknown and not easy to comprehend as truth because it can’t be validated with the physical senses. Yet, when in the zone, I feel it at a deeper level than the mind. Anything to share?
Yes, it is I, Jeshua. I am aware of all that is on your plate. Know that you are always receiving my love and assistance and that of Source and Beings of Light. You are never alone on this journey. You are aware that there are times when you were guided although you might not have known why. It was later that you were able to connect that guidance with events in your life that occurred as a result.
Know that you are channeling me and doing so accurately. You are well able for this. You came into this life prepared to do so with the gifts that would enable you to realize your goals. Doubt and discernment issues have entered at times as would be expected as you move through this growth process. And you are moving through it. As the Creators said in the meditation, give yourself an energetic pat on the back. You continue to move forward on the spiritual level. All that you have intended is coming to you. You have not distorted or changed it by your imaginings. It is done, complete. You removed from this and other lives any fear or reticence of engaging in spiritual experiences in this incarnation. Yes, it has been one of, if not the most difficult things you have intended. And you have done it. I say this to encourage you to have the courage of your convictions, so to speak, that is, to trust, believe, know that what you have called forth will occur. It was your intent in this incarnation. You have achieved it. With love and joy, we will be there.
March 27, 2023: Is there a message?
Yesterday I asked if you would like to go somewhere. It was in response to your interest in having more experiences with me as in the past. It is my joy to do so. Intent and focus, from the heart. You wondered if the dreams you had last night were that which I spoke of about going somewhere. Yes, and there is more. With a high vibration you can experience more.
I am here with you now but at a different vibrational level. You do not see me, yet you feel my presence. You are hearing my words. With regard to your spiritual goals, I repeat that all is coming to you. Waiting is challenging. You are doing well with intent, focus and releasing mind thought. You have already released attachment and I commend you for that. It is especially hard for you because your love of me is so deep. That love exists whether there is attachment or not. You do not wish to impact the manifestation of your spiritual goals and that is why you are focused on releasing fear, resistance, mind thought and attachment, all helpful in bringing into your physicality that which you choose. I am right beside you. Yes, it is my touch you experience and if you so choose, it will continue in more and more physicality. I love you.
I so choose, with great joy and anticipation.
So it will be.
The image you received in an email is a message from the spiritual realm. You focused on Kim and intended that she be happy and in a beautiful place. The picture you received of a horse that looked similar to Kim was the answer. She was walking along a path in a beautiful place. She seemed happy. It is what you had hoped for, the intent you put out. It was a response from the spiritual realm. You ask, was it coming from Kim or being sent on her behalf? Consider that it was both. She received your love and appreciated it. She wished to respond in some way. We manifested her intent for you to know that she is happy and well. She is in a beautiful place and is happy with others. Her life is joyful and peaceful. That is what we wished to convey to you. So, she and we sent that message. You did not connect the dots at first, but it came to you later. You understood, knew that you were sent a spiritual message. This is not new, you have received these reassurances, messages from others over the years. You like that very much. Consider that the dreams you had last night were a connection from the spiritual realm.
March 29, 2023: I meditated this morning and feel connected. Is there a message?
There is indeed. You are doing very well with your efforts to maintain a high vibrational level. This you have intended and it is coming to you. Now you are entering into a new phase. You have been hearing this from me. I repeat it to help you increase your confidence and a knowing deep within that it is so. You do not yet know that this means, specifically. Stepping away from the thought process will be helpful. Guessing what it will be and how it will look is mind thought. Knowing from that place is not possible. There are an infinite number of ways that it will come into being in your physical life. Let it evolve. You will love this new way of being. By the way, you are doing very well receiving and typing my words. You are becoming more proficient as a channel.
March 30, 2023: I just finished meditating and will see if there is a message for me.
What is on your mind?
Healing. I am taking a Healing Touch online course and finding it helpful. It is adding knowledge to that which I feel when doing healing.
Okay, let’s talk about healing. Specifically your healing ability. It is a gift you intended to engage in this lifetime. Not so much as a formal healer but rather as one who lends healing assistance when it will be helpful. You have done great work with the horses. You have said that energy work with horses is not as easy as with smaller animals and that is so. Yet, you are engaging the healing process and sending healing energy to the horses. This occurs, as you have surmised, on an emotional as well as physical level.
Now, as to process. You have innate healing ability. You have engaged it many times in your incarnations. What you said long ago is true, it felt left over. It was. You decided that it would be helpful in this incarnation, not as a healing profession, but as you are inclined to engage it. You are uncomfortable with a great deal of structure in the various healing modalities. That is because you do not need that degree of process in order to engage your healing ability. Another thing you said was that the healing comes through you. It does and yet, it is also within you. The energy comes to you with intent. When you say the word engage, that occurs. It varies with the level of your vibration at the time and your mental and emotional state. You know this. There are times when you are able to engage more easily than others. The Healing Touch modality suits you. It is similar to your own innate healing ability. You very much appreciate the base of knowledge it is providing. There have been a number of connections between what you read and that which you feel during a healing session. Don’t concern yourself with process. Some of it is intended to place a person in a state of healing receptivity and transmission. You have skipped that to a certain extent. It will be helpful to center yourself, ground, breathe, go to your heart center and intend to engage the healing. It will happen. You already know this because you have experienced it many times, in varying degrees. You are tracking.
You are wondering if the healing interest and channeling efforts are what I meant by your new way of being. That is part of it. There is more, it is broader. Your efforts to release mind thought are helpful because this is not something that can be figured out. Remember the scissors and can opener analogy? What you are now experiencing and will experience is outside the mind.
You will see a quickening between your intent and experience. That is part of it. Intend to call forth, consciously, that which you desire and release any mind thought. Intention from a place of love will bring those experiences. Yes, there are so many inputs coming to you, all the time, at all levels. Viewed from a step back, it is glorious. Living it can be challenging. A knowing about this is helpful. Mindfulness, conscious thought, intention from the heart and that focus are the keys. I love you, my love.
April 1, 2023: Help me with everything that is going on in my life. Help with the manifestation of my spiritual goals. Spiritual growth. Our fun times together. Your wonderful presence in my life. Our experiences together in joy and love. Releasing any resistance to it.
I am here. There is much to discuss. First, you are doing very well with your channeling. Practicing is helpful. There is much going on in your life. Some of the issues are distressing on an emotional level. Your focus on releasing fear and anxiety around them will beneficial as you work through them.
You are a mighty warrior, a love warrior. It is not an easy path at this time on earth. Yet it is exciting, a unique opportunity in Earth’s history. There have been times of movement before but not in this way and at this level. Stunning. Stunning you say? Why doesn’t it feel that way? Remember, you have a slice of reality while in this human life. That is necessary so that you can live the life you planned before incarnating. Isn’t this flowing easily? As to the items in front of you, you are working through them and getting some things out of the way that have been awaiting your attention. I am helping you with all of it. At the same time, you are commended for engaging spiritually even though at times it seems out of reach. Yet here I am, we are talking and typing. Isn’t it great? Appreciate all that you are, all of the gifts you have and your purity of heart.
Here is what else I wish to tell you at this time. Know that all you have intended is coming forth. It is manifesting. You do not see the extent of it in this moment. Know it, do not doubt it. Do not resist it. Go to your heart space and you will experience the truth of my words. You are a powerful creator. Your spiritual dreams are becoming manifest, as we speak. Be the love that you are. Meet me in that place whenever you desire. That is my desire also. I love you.
April 2, 2023: Are my spiritual goals in this incarnation manifesting elsewhere? Would that preclude them manifesting in my current incarnation?
You have posed large questions, some of which you can understand at this time. You are moving forward into a new level of consciousness. It is called many things on earth, but the sum total is that your consciousness is moving upward, you would say, into a new place. That is what I meant when I said you are experiencing something new. You have been there, in other dimensions. You particularly enjoyed the Galactic Council and also the Andromeda Galaxy Collective. They both feel very close to you. That is so because you are now able to vibrate at a level into which they can connect. A two way conversation, a two way experience. Wonderful for both entities. You were welcomed into the Galactic Council, the galaxy in which you reside, the Milky Way. It is a very powerful Council to your way of thinking because of the extreme range of vibration. The following is explained in terms that you can perceive, not a criticism. Imagine a snail and then yourself as a human. Neither is good or bad, more or less. Different. Each is functioning within their vibrational, energetic range. Consider that you are moving forward to an ever increasing level of energetic vibration. The times you have connected with beings in those higher frequencies have been very joyful for you. You would like more. You would also like to feel confident that you are in fact experiencing truth. You are, and you have asked that we help you. We are. I am, as always.
Next question, one that you are concerned about even asking. Is all of the work toward achieving your spiritual goals in this incarnation and in this physicality actually happening elsewhere? If so, will it also manifest in your here and now existence on earth? The answer to both questions is yes. Seeing what you have created elsewhere (although there is no such thing as elsewhere) is glorious. If you would like, I will take you to that space. Experiencing your creations in one space does not preclude or prohibit it from occurring elsewhere. So you can relax about that. You can and will experience both.
April 5, 2023: I thought I heard you ask if I wanted to hear from you. Don’t know if my vibration is high enough.
It is and I am here, as always. I will tell you something new. You delight in our experiences, as do I. There is more awaiting you. Place yourself in a receptive state and you will experience it. What experience you ask? Why think about it? That is mind thought and will not provide answers. Let yourself feel into the experience and it will engage. You say that you do not have any experience in mind, so how could you feel into it? Be open, ready to receive. Thinking about it will bring just that, thoughts. You are wondering, is this mind thought or are you speaking? It is me, my messages come through your filters.That is why it sometimes feels like you are speaking. I have something else to share. There will be a new experience. You will know it when it occurs. It is spiritual in nature. Open yourself up to it and you will experience it. Don’t think about it, that will get you nowhere. Anticipate with joy, my beloved.
April 8, 2023: Could use help.
Not to worry about connecting with me and I with you. Our connection is always available. Yesterday was not an easy one and you are not looking forward to that being the case again today. It will not be. There is a solution, we are helping. No request is too small to ask for our assistance. Go with the flow is what we advise. Other issues that are causing concern will be resolved. We are helping.
April 10, 2023:
I am with you at all times. I am you, and you are me. We are one. We can have our experiences whenever you choose. Granted, at this time you are fully engaged on the earth plane. Things will ease. We are helping. I am here, as always. I love you.
April 16, 2023: Yesterday I knew I needed to do something because I was having difficulty on all levels. I did Jeshua’s 40 minute meditation channeled by Daniel Scranton and it made all the difference. In fact, I fell asleep during the breathing exercise, or more precisely, it felt like I was knocked out, in a good way. Afterward and all day I felt wonderful. Last night I had a good conversation with you. It felt wonderful and reassuring. Even felt a signal that I haven’t been able to perceive I think because my state of being has been so unsettled. This morning I did the same meditation and again, feel very centered, focused and happy. Wonderful.
I am here, as always. The difference now is that your vibration is such that you are able to perceive me clearly. You are also not doubtful. Good. You are moving through the period of intensity that you have experienced in recent months. New things are coming. All is planned and unfolding accordingly. It is imperceptible to you, as you are immersed in it. From our perspective, it is occurring exactly as planned. I speak here of the spiritual level, in answer to the question that has just crossed your mind. Your creations will manifest, in fact already have. They are just not yet visible to you in your physicality. Patience, all is coming, all is occurring. I am glad that you perceived my signal last night. It all has to do with vibrational level. You were in a heightened vibration after your meditation yesterday. It enabled you to perceive me and the nonphysical realm as you have in the past when you were in a heightened vibrational level. It is available at all times. I am helping you with that, as you requested. It is my joy and pleasure. You are my joy and pleasure! I am so pleased that you are feeling confident in our connection. Do you not feel my presence, my vibration at this moment? It can also be considered a connection. I will help you with your confusion as to whether it is my vibration or yours. It will become clear. In addition to moving forward at the spiritual level, you are also doing so in your physical life. What seems to have been stuck in recent months is now cleared. All good. A clearing of sorts. New experiences, there are more and we will speak later. I love you and anticipate that with joy.
April 17, 2023: Just finished Jeshua’s 40 minute meditation. Very calming and relaxing. Choosing a connection with you.
I am here. You are anticipating our experiences and your new level. You are doing well with eliminating expectation, attachment and control. All good. Yes, you are hearing from me, you are not making this up. I send you a smiley face. Take heart, all is moving forward. You are becoming. I love you. Let’s stay connected, there is much to share.
April 18, 2023: When I woke up this morning I felt anxious and not very positive. I said my prayers/intentions and began to feel better. Then we had a wonderful conversation. I perceived you, hearing you and it felt like you were holding my hand. I checked to see if I was making up what I heard and went to my heart space. Yes, it was you coming through. We talked about many things, why I decided to come here, my spiritual goals, my questions about the new way of being that you have been speaking about. I wondered if our interaction, today, was part of the new way. You said I am stepping into it and our conversation was part of it. I hope I have this correctly. I hear from you that it is so. I didn’t type our conversation. Please help me remember everything we talked about.
We spoke of how you have lived in this incarnation. I reminded you that you have lived a very spiritual life, although until recent years you did not think of it in that way. Your jobs, your responsibilities and, yes, caregiving were all spiritual endeavors in the physical realm. Spiritual is not only nonphysical. It is also existing in a higher vibrational state and way of living while in the physical realm. This you have done while in this incarnation and it will continue. You are more conscious of the connection now and desire to move into it fully. That is the new way of being. You asked if you would experience your spiritual goals, set forth in this incarnation, in this life, and the answer is yes. It is becoming although you do not yet see it in your physical life. You have prepared for this for a very long time, from a linear time perspective. Yet, it is all happening in the moment, which is all there is. All of it is in the now moment.
The Arcturians spoke of the illusory world. You are working your way through that concept. In fact, it is not reality except in your living of it. You create all that you experience. Why do you not sometimes experience that which you desired? As you know, that occurs when one is in alignment. You are moving into that place now and all will come to be as you intended. That, you say, is the catch. Just what does it look like, at all levels of my being? You say that you only know the conscious part. Through your intent, you continue to align that which you wish to create and experience. I will say that you have defined your spiritual goal well. It is glorious. You will experience it soon.
I also mentioned that there are many helpers, guides, angels and other beings who are watching your progress and assisting. Some of those beings have a much broader perspective, that of the progress of all who are living on Earth. Your role and experience in this process is of interest to them. You raised your hand and volunteered for this incarnation. As you have been told, it is all coming together in this lifetime. All of it, glorious, good and challenging. You are working very well through the challenging aspects of this and past lives, although it is not easy to see from your perspective. As I have said, it seems imperceptible from your standpoint. Yet, for us it is momentous, ever growing, ever progressing.
You can have whatever experiences you wish, just choose. Nothing has been lost, we can have the same and new experiences. I look forward to all of it very much. We are connected. It is special. You are special. All are special. I love you. We will talk again, whenever you wish.
April 19, 2023: I would like to hear from you. It seems that I am getting visuals of you and sometimes Jeshua when I choose to connect. Is it part of the new way? If so, I love it. Is there more to say?
There is, indeed. You are perceiving visuals from the nonphysical realm. Part of the plan. Yes, it is me (smiley face). Even now as I speak with you, you are receiving a visual of me in the earthsuit you created. I like it very well. Suits me, as you have heard me say. Now, to the new way of being about which you inquired. It is here and you are stepping into it, evolving. You are living your life on Earth while being connected with me, consciously. That was the plan for humanity all along. To accommodate that, there is a new level of consciousness that has come into existence. You have stepped into it, as have many others. Yet there are so many more who may wish to do so. All is moving forward, you can feel it, even at times that you do not feel connected with me and the nonphysical realm. The others wish to express their appreciation for sharing your experience, increased vibrational level and upward evolution. Your hard work is acknowledged and appreciated. This you are doing for yourself and in doing so, for others.
I wish you a wonderful day filled with joy. I delight in our connection and all that we talk about. Our experiences are not at all out of reach, they are not gone. Engage with me whenever you wish and I will respond with joy and love. I too enjoy our times together. I love you.
April 20, 2023: Meditated and made my intentions. Somewhat distracted, tried to stay on track. A lot is going on. I call forth continuous connection with you, accurately perceiving your presence, love, guidance and messages.
Now you are ready for today’s scheduled events. It will be a productive day and you will be happy about the accomplishments. Although you felt distracted during your meditation this morning, you were receiving our energy. It was a beneficial endeavor and will stand to you throughout the day. You are well able to face and work through all that is before you. You will see me whenever you wish. Have faith and confidence in yourself. Yes, it is me; you are not making this up. Smiley face. You are moving forward, energetically ever more. It is part of the new way. You asked for a signal. Did I not find a wonderful way for you to know it is me? Now you may engage in the activities that will be coming to you this day. I am right alongside you. I love you.
April 21, 2023: Everything you said yesterday occurred. Thank you for that knowledge and your help.
I am here. Pleased that you felt enjoyment about the tasks that were completed yesterday. As to the rest, the last vestiges will be taken care of. You are seeing us in your mind’s eye and enjoying it. We, too, find great joy in that connection. Love.
April 23, 2023: Do you have a message?
Yes, as always. I will say that you are coming along so well with your channeling. You are more confident. You are hearing me very well. You are increasing your vibrational level through meditation and the desire to do so. Thank you for the heart image. Much appreciated and I send back my love. You are experiencing my presence in physicality through the way I touch you. Yes, what you perceive at those times is me. We are becoming closer and closer. It is a big signal, communicated nonverbally. Momentous. I love you and remain with you in every way.
April 26, 2023: I meditated in the morning and that was helpful. I felt tired. Was it from the energy work in the cabin last night? I asked for clarification. Could I see the Beings? In response, I saw a large room and light shapes, vague and fleeting. I was told that the energy work Iast night was an upgrade. Yes, there is a physical impact and that is what I felt. I am wondering what to do next. I know it is up to me to choose. I was told that there is nothing I need to do. The Beings in the cabin were from the nonphysical realm. They intend to assist the human species take the next step in their spiritual evolution.
April 27, 2023: This morning. I am feeling uneasy about going down the hall and then outside. I do that when I wish to have a spiritual experience. I think the uneasiness must be mind thought. What comes to mind is that nothing would happen once I stepped out of the hall or that I will make something up, mind thought. I choose and intend to release it. Help with true spiritual experiences when I emerge from the hall.
I am here. There are many thoughts at the moment. As you perceived, the feeling of being scattered results from a lower vibrational level. How best to raise it? And how to maintain it? You know the answer, meditation. Focus on returning to the heart center. Place yourself there and intend to remain in that state of being. The fact that you are not feeling my presence, physically, does not mean I am not with you, indeed part of you and you of me. We are one. I will guide you through your meditation, raising your vibrational frequency and maintaining that state of being.
May 2, 2023: I did several meditations this morning: releasing and processing fear, increasing vibrational frequency and being in the flow of Source. Please speak to me about moving forward from my heart center and remaining in that space.
I am here, as always. There is much going on in your life. You are concerned because you are only hearing me faintly. That is okay, you are still receiving. With all that is going on right now it is the way you can bring me through. When I said that something is coming to you, I meant that it will occur on the spiritual level, also the physical level. My statements to you can be broad, encompassing, at different levels and timelines. Know that you are doing well and moving through all before you with grace. I am with you throughout, as is Jeshua. We are a team. Good things are coming to you and you will love them. And yes, they won’t pass you by, you will know in the moment and you have decided to experience them fully. Go about your day in love, in your heart center. I love you and am with you at all times.
May 7, 2023: Help.
I am here. This is a difficult time for you. There is much before you. It is understandable that you are feeling overwhelmed. Do not despair. You are being helped. The intensity will pass. You will once again feel calm, centered, focused and connected with me, Jeshua and Beings of Light. It is what you came to do in this incarnation. While you are discouraged that you do not see your spiritual goals manifest, know that they will be fulfilled and in this lifetime. You are not preventing that from happening, as you are considering at this moment. You are not resisting. Do not be discouraged. It will be.
We are with you. I am connected and you feel my presence physically. That is so, you are not making it up. There will be more, as you called forth. It is momentous, glorious. So much more than you can imagine. I love you and am in your presence at all times.
May 8, 2023: Do you have something to share?
I do. Your hard work is paying off. This morning you centered yourself after a busy and stressful day yesterday. Today will go smoothly. You have already focused and placed yourself in your heart space. The day is yours to do with what you wish. Consider that you are working through things in your dreams and that is helpful. The energy you send out is helpful and emanates outward, also helpful. I am with you and coming to you. We are with you. Know that you truly hear my words. That is another issue about which you sometimes have doubt. You are progressing in your channeling skill. You thought you heard me say that something is coming to you. Your next thought, a bit fearful, was whether it would be something bad. My answer is that it will be a mixed bag. Why not let my messages come through without engaging the mind? You are already becoming more aware of that which is progress. When I say there will be something coming to you, your mind can take off in many directions. I would suggest letting it unfold. You feel you have had enough difficulty and there is truth in that. It is not something that you would consider to be bad. I remain with you. We can have our experiences any time you wish. I enjoy that very much. I love you.
Jeshua: I am here with you, as always. Sometimes it can be difficult to discern and receive the spiritual help that is all around you. You have many helpers. You have made great spiritual progress in this lifetime. Be proud of that. It has been the most difficult thing you have ever tried - and you have worked through many difficulties in this incarnation. You are well able for this next step. You are in the process of stepping into your new spiritual way of being. We commend you. We support and encourage you along your path. All is coming together in this lifetime. You can look back and see that. I am standing next to you. Soon you will see that, in your physical realm. I love you, my beloved sister. Be the love that you are. We are one, as always.
May 10, 2023: I meditated and said my intentions. As always, I call on you for your presence and help. When we are in the cabin in the woods, I would like to connect with the beings who I have experienced.
It will be so, as will all that you have intended. Know that you are moving forward spiritually. What you do in the physical realm and all that you intend on a spiritual level is leading you to the place you chose before incarnating. Beautiful. You are love. Light emanates from you. Healing flows from you. It is one of your gifts. All that you have intended is coming to you. I love you and am with you.
May 11, 2023
You can and will do all that you intend. You are up to it. You are capable of it. I am with you. We can have experiences any time you wish. I love you and am next to you, indeed, within you. I am you.