In 1998 I began having dreams about family members who had passed on. The dreams were never negative. That continued for months. At one point when the dreams were occurring every night I began to be anxious about it. I remember not wanting to go to sleep because of the dreams. My concern was whether it was some sort of premonition about my own or someone else's death. At that time, the dreams stopped for several months, then resumed and continued in subsequent years on a less frequent basis.
In February 2000, I had three of the most powerful dreams I have ever experienced (discussed in the Awakening tab ). It signaled the beginning of my spiritual awakening. After that I began having dreams in which I perceived the presence of God, Jeshua, angels and deceased family members.
In April 2000, dreams that included family members who had passed on resumed and continued to occur frequently. I was no longer fearful; I believed it was their way of supporting me in my spiritual journey. One of the most frequent visitors was my father. Occasionally family members and friends who have passed on were in my dreams.
That same month, I had a number of spiritual dreams. In the first of these, I saw an image of a beautiful light-haired woman. I did not recognize her as anyone I knew. She wore a white gown and seemed to float from one location to another, in and out of my vision. She said:
It is I who have guided you all these years.
I thought she might be my guide. Over the years, in important events in my life I believe was guided, but by whom I did not know. Perhaps that was my answer.
In 2003 I wrote down dreams that were spiritual in nature:
October 7, 2003: A feeling of being lifted up to the sky. It was at night and I was looking at the stars. I asked where I was going. I was stopped at that point. I looked at the earth far below. Then it felt like a winch continued to pull me upward. I saw a kindly old man who talked about climate and helping. I asked him, would he feed the starving people? I sensed kindness, caring and “yes.” There were two women, stars by their eyes and eyes smiling.
January, 2004: In my dream I was driving to work. I decided to take a left turn into the cemetery. Then I was no longer in the car. I saw very tall redwood trees. I decided to visit the gravesite of my great-great-grandparents. As I went toward that area, I saw individuals, all opaque, who were caring for tombstones of nuns. At first the opaque beings were dressed as nuns and then I saw them in physicality, no longer in spirit form. I intended to go to my family's gravesite but before that I walked up some stairs into what seemed to be an office area. I didn't see anyone but heard people talking and decided I was in the wrong place. As I went back down the stairs a large dragon fly landed on my arm. Then I woke up. My deceased great-grandmother came to my awareness strongly, telepathically and there was also a picture of her in my mind. There were others with her but I couldn't see them clearly. The interaction with her was nice and I was glad to connect. She was supportive and caring. She said: “We're all pulling for you.” The dream and subsequent waking experience were very vivid.
January 1, 2004: Two dreams, in one Jeshua and I were talking. I can't remember the second dream other than we were discussing something.
January 4, 2004: There were two angels who accompanied Jeshua. One had a gift for my sister; the other seemed focused on me. I told her it was lonely (spiritually) because there was no one I could to talk to who could understand what I had been experiencing. She embraced me lovingly and said she understood. It was consoling. Jeshua was there and I remember I was floating. There was some interaction and discussion but I don't recall more.
February 5, 2004: I was at some sort of conference. It seemed like a scientific gathering. A man was responsible for my being there. I saw a stand with a tablet on it, like a flip chart. Before that I saw a picture of beings who were present, all different ones, not human and I asked the man if any of them were the “Teachers” I had been aware of at the time of my awakening. He said that none of them were. When I looked at the page on the tablet, symbols appeared on it. This happened with several other pages too. It didn't look like paper, more like some type of canvas. The writing looked completely foreign to me, not letters, words or numbers. It reminded me of hieroglyphs but more complicated. At the end of it was a telephone number. I was asked if I would receive this information and pass it along. I said yes, I would be glad to, assuming these were beings of light and love. Then I woke up. Very vivid and clear dream. It felt like a real experience.
February 7, 2004: In a dream I was at my desk at work and decided to go home. When I got to the door of the office building I saw a white rabbit near the door as if waiting to leave the building. I recognized it as my spirit animal from meditation. (During meditation, as part of the exercise, the spirit animal would lead the person meditating to wherever they were going to go. In my childhood I had a white rabbit and guessed that was why my spirit animal was a white rabbit.) I opened the door to exit the office building and went outside. The rabbit was with me.
Then I woke up and was awake during what happened next. The experience felt real. I the rabbit was in front of me, leading the way. I took that as an indication that I should follow. At that moment I felt a presence, a vibration. I asked who I was going to be visiting. The answer was:
It will be me.
I thought it was God's presence but wasn't sure. I also did not want my mind to interfere with this experience which I felt was a spiritual one. I then heard a voice within:
Know that I am God.
I did not want to turn away from the experience. I asked Jeshua to help with that.
Next, the rabbit and I were in a forest. A light came around me, as it had in the meditation exercise. I mentally extended a white light within and outward, around myself. The rabbit went ahead and led me to a cabin in the woods. I went to the front door of the cabin and knocked. The door opened and I went in. I heard these words:
I am always with you, no matter what happens. I will never leave you.
There was a person in human form and I sensed male energy. I do not remember what he looked like. We shared a moment together and he said that I would bring something wonderful to the world. It would be some type of information and that it was part of what I had planned to do in this life. I said I hadn't noticed any difference and he said I would experience it. He said:
I am guiding you in response to your question as to what you should do.
I left the cabin. I was awake the whole time and was so deeply, positively affected that tears flowed. I thanked God for everything and for loving me so much that he would do this. I also thanked Jeshua for helping me wake up spiritually (Awakening tab). Previously, in a moment of utter spiritual confusion, one of many, I had asked Jeshua for help. I heard him say very clearly:
I will help you find your way home.
I felt that Jeshua and I have been on this journey together for which I am so thankful.
The next night I woke up at approximately 2:00 a.m., I felt the vibration I had experienced the previous night. I didn't know whether I should go back to sleep as something might be coming through in a dream or go to the forest. I heard a voice say:
Go to the forest.
When I arrived I saw two cabins. I was told to go to the cabin on the right. Once again, my spirit animal, the white rabbit, led me there. Before going to the forest, I asked who had spoken to me and got a mental picture of the individual in the forest cabin the night before. Upon arrival at the cabin, I knocked and the person from the night before opened the door. He was happy and smiling. We spent time in the cabin and then I left. I had been awake the whole time and when the experience was over, I looked at the clock and it was 3:30 a.m. I recalled that what we talked about was my desire to experience God, the state of the world and my desire to help.
February 11, 2004: In a dream, I was outside and lying on a lawn. Vibrations began to emanate from the earth and into my body. Then I felt a pressure on my back, below the ribs. There was a feeling of pressing down and then upward toward my ribs. I felt the same pressure on the top of my head and then pressing downward. None of it was painful or scary. Then I woke up. I felt connected with God.
February 16, 2004: I was in the back seat of a car. The car arrived at a location and stopped. I got out and with me was God in human form in the earthsuit I created in 2000. There was a door to a building. It was a double door with glass, frosted on top. It was light inside. We decided to go in. Didn't remember more.
Then it was nighttime and I was driving my car through a wooded area. It felt like a vacation location. It was very dark and I had my lights on but there was only one headlight on. I tried high beams but both lights did not come on. Somehow I knew where and when to make turns. Finally, I arrived at a beautiful Spanish style house that seemed like it was my home. I went in. It felt as though that God's presence was with me. Inside, there was talking, laughing and a feeling of happiness. I did not see anyone.
February 21, 2004: In a dream I was lying down. A strong vibration went up my spine, starting at the base and then to the top of my head. Then there were two of the same vibrations that traveled downward on either side of my back from my head to the base of my spine.
February 23, 2004: In the dream I was sleeping on my stomach. The thought occurred that I should turn over and did so. Next, I felt a strong physical sensation all around my body and then I was somewhere else. I felt I was being transported to a place that was spiritual. In the dream I asked if we could try it again and the experience occurred a second time. I do not remember anything after that.
February 26, 2004: In a dream I was in another place, like another dimension. God was there in the form of the same person I have seen in my dreams. It seems like we were walking and talking. Then we were in another place and there was a large dining room where people were being served a meal. It seemed like a dining room for homeless where they could have a free meal. He was serving these people and I watched, in awe, at his caring and sensitivity with them. It brought tears to my eyes and was very touching. I noted that he set the most wonderful example of how to treat others.
September, 2004: Dreams included family members who had passed. Sometimes it seemed to be a family gathering and there was a group of them and at times I was present. There were many dreams related to beginning a new job. The dreams of family who had passed on were more frequent, generally every other night. It was during this time that I had a dream in which my father and I were standing at the door of a building. It was locked and the lights inside were off. My father had the key and was going to open the door. We were going to go in and then the dream ended.
November 15, 2004: I was lying down, I don't know where, it didn't seem familiar. I knew angels were there and I asked to see them. Instantly I saw what looked like praying hands. Next, the angels were drawing out the spirit aspect of myself and then we were in the middle of the room, in mid-air. I asked if my soul was separate from by body. They said yes, it was. I asked what it looked like and instantly saw all white. It was a very positive, loving dream.
December 2, 2004: I was driving on the freeway. It seemed to be in an area where the road splits and I took the left side toward the downtown area. Then I was driving somewhere else, nowhere I have ever seen, a pretty place, natural, with lots of green foliage and plants. I was thinking about what my spiritual purpose might be. It was a question that I had been meditating about. Then the idea of writing a book came to me, maybe about a new dimension, a cross between here and what we call heaven. Next, I woke up and felt the familiar vibration within and then it seemed like someone touched my hair. I asked Archangel Michael to remove any negativity. The presence remained. It was very positive and loving. My thoughts continued about the book I had just dreamed about. I wondered if this was something I might be bringing through and what it would look like.
Over the years I continued to have spiritual dreams but didn't write them down. In 2019, I resumed that practice.
April 2019: This dream is difficult to describe. It was around 9:00 pm. I was lying on the couch in the family room watching television and fell asleep. I dreamed that I was sleeping on that same couch in the family room, exactly as I had when I fell asleep. In the dream I woke up and looked behind me at the table. My deceased husband was sitting in one of the chairs, next to the table. He was reading a book and did not look up. I thought it was nice that he was there. This happened a second time, in exactly in the same way. When I woke up, I was very groggy. The next morning the photo displayed on my photo frame was of my husband sitting at our table, reading a book as he had in the dream. This gave me the feeling he is lovingly looking after me and his presence in the dream was very wonderful.
May 2019: I had a dream in which Jeshua was present. He said:
Come, there is someone you'd like to see.
I followed him and saw my deceased husband and all of our deceased pets. My husband and I joyfully embraced and our pets were all around us. Wonderful.
Sometimes while asleep the phone rings once and wakes me up. Then I realize that the phone rang in my dream. Next, someone comes through. Each time it is a deceased relative. I see who it is and they greet me, always in a positive way. Other times while asleep, I am awakened by a single dog bark that wakes me up. I know from the sound of it which of my beloved deceased dogs it is. I have had the same experience with a meow from my deceased cat. I believe they are saying hello and I tell them how much I love them.
October 2019: I had a wonderful dream. It was, after 19 years, my fourth dream with Jeshua. In my dream the front doorbell rang. I opened the door and Jeshua was standing there. He was smiling and happy. I was glad to see him and greeted him as a friend. I opened the door more wide to let him in. He stepped in and I was trying to decide where we should sit. Next, we were in the backyard, sitting at the table on the deck. It was very pleasant and we were visiting as friends do. After waking up, I remembered that the day after the third dream with Jeshua in 2000 (Awakening tab), I saw a banner on a church roof that read: “Open the door wide to Christ.” In the dream that is exactly what I had done. I loved that dream.
October 19, 2020: Last night I had a dream that took place in a building that I did not recognize. A man walked down the aisle toward me. I thought it was Jesus. He greeted the person in front of me. He then came to me, put his hand on my head and greeted me. I remember being so happy and shed tears of joy. Then I noticed that he also had tears, and I wasn't sure whether he was happy or sad. As I looked at him, I wasn't sure he was Jesus. I did not understand. I will ask Jeshua to come forth and speak:
I am here.
Can you tell me about the dream I had last night? It was lovely. Was it you? Was there a meaning to it? Is there some way I should interpret it?
It was me. It was a greeting of old friends, of oneness. The physical setting was constructed from mind thought. The point is that I came to you. We met. You may wish to interpret it that way. It also represented the placing of another piece in the puzzle of that which you call our project. Preparation. Support. A step closer. To convey a knowing that it is happening. It was meant to communicate that what you have created is coming into being in your physicality.
November 2, 2019:This morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. Later I was surprised to have fallen asleep again and awakened at 7:00, unusual for me. During those two hours I had a dream in which the front doorbell rang. I looked through the window to see who it was. I saw a large angel's wing. In the dream I was not surprised. I opened the door and a man was standing there. I invited him in. It seemed as though we knew each other well and loved each other but I did not recognize him as anyone I knew. The wing I saw when he rang the front doorbell was no longer there. He was dressed in a white gown. We embraced and I remember saying that yesterday had been difficult and he seemed to agree. Then it seemed that I was asking about the costume, whose it was and where it came from. I did not have clarity about the answer. I recall he said something was coming.
October 3, 2021: Tonight, while asleep, the phone rang and woke me up. But then I realized that the phone hadn't actually rung, it was part of my dream. That had occurred a number of times and each time it was a deceased relative calling me. Because of those previous experiences, I realized that I would be receiving a communication from the spiritual realm. Then, I saw, in my mind's eye, a group of people. They weren't in a particular place or setting. I realized they were my family, all of whom were deceased. My father was present, and my mother who passed when I was 12 years old said she never left me. That was a beautiful statement of love. I also saw my brother, grandmothers, aunts, a cousin and other ancestors whom I had never met. I saw my husband who said he loved me and was proud of me. I felt his love. I asked to see our animals and then saw all the dogs and my cat, Abby. They were with my husband. The others in the group said they were proud of me and there was much celebration. I was told by God that my spiritual project is here, it has begun and I will see indications of that. Next, I saw Jeshua. I felt such love that it brought tears to my eyes. With him was God in the earthsuit I created. He was, as always, joy, love, and truly indescribably wonderful.
December 13, 2021: Last night I recall two dreams, both of which were about hands-on healing. One was with a woman and I was helping her with back issues. The other was with a man. He was laying down and I put my hand on his back to begin sending energy.
December 15, 2021: I was told this by God:
Regarding the two dreams you had recently, they were intended to send a spiritual message. In the first, you opened a door and there was someone standing there. You brought him into the room and remained there with him. That was me. It represented your bringing me into your reality. In the second dream, you were waiting for someone to pick you up and take you to aerobics. You noted that the individuals were late. You looked out the window and saw a small white vehicle pull up. As you gathered your things, they came into the house. You had a briefcase and there was discussion about it. Then you realized that it was not what you intended to take and got another bag which contained food that you removed. Next, you were leaving with the two men. Consider that they were Jeshua and me coming into your life.
August 3, 2023: Fell asleep and heard the telephone ring which woke me up. I had experienced that a number of times in the past. There is one ring and then I know someone is coming in. This time it was my beloved dogs. Lovely. I was letting them out to the backyard through the living room door. Then there were a number of scenes that were unconnected. I was in a house that seemed to be mine, but it wasn't one I had ever seen. I recall thinking about the furniture arrangement and what needed to be done. Next, I was sitting next to a door and there was a woman sitting across from me. Didn't know her. It seemed that I was away from home, possibly on vacation somewhere. I gave her a scone. Asked if she joined the group meetings in the evenings and she said no. I said I didn't either. Another scene, same place and someone gave my dog a snack. I asked if they also gave one to my other dog and the answer was yes. Didn't see the person or know who it was. Then I was close up to my dog and looked into her eyes. It was so good to see her and made me very happy. Next scene, outdoors at a swimming pool. At the far end was a man and his two children. They were having fun in the water. It seemed that I was considering whether to go into the water.
Dreams that I did not write down but remember vividly:
A number of times I am walking with Jeshua in pleasant but unknown place.
Other times I have been walking with God in human form, in the earthsuit I created in 2000. These dreams are very positive. They seem real and stay with me.
In one dream I was in a place that was like a cave or underground place. I was laying on a bed or table. Jeshua was with me and it seemed that he was helping me to leave that place through a small opening.
Another time I was very distressed about people dying of starvation in Africa. I wanted to ask God for help because people were dying unnecessarily. I had a dream during which I went to another place. It was opaque. I could not see anything but knew someone was within it. I also sensed the presence of others. I said: “People are dying, help us.” I looked deeply into the opaque and saw the outline of a face but mostly eyes, which were blue. Then I heard a voice that said: “We are helping.” That was the end of the dream. Afterward, I wondered if it was God, but it did not feel like it. The feeling I got from the being was that that he was immense, powerful but gentle. I did not feel fear.
Recurring Dreams:
I have had recurring dreams over the years. The most prominent dream is always the same. It is in ancient times and I am a young boy in Africa. In the distance I can see a tree like those that I have seen in Africa and a beautiful sunset. I live with my family next to body of water, a stream or creek. It is a very happy life, full of love. I am sitting with my father and he has his arm around me. It seems as though it is dusk. We are looking off into the distance and he tells me something is coming and not to be afraid. I am not afraid; I feel very secure and trust what he says. I have wondered if this was another lifetime.
Other times I am at the ocean beach. It is very familiar as though I have been there many times, or possibly lived there. I like it very much.
In another recurring dream, during lunch time at work I go down some steps to the water. It is very private and lovely.
In a third recurring dream I am in a house in which there is antique furniture. On another floor there are a number of small bedrooms. It seems that I might live there.