Spiritual Messages to Me - 2019

After awakening in 2000 I experienced communication with God, Jeshua and Beings of Light and Love. It took years to be fully confident that I was really receiving their messages. They came through easily and at times that caused doubt. Was it really mind thought and not spiritual messages at all? As can be seen in the following messages, there were many reassurances. There was tremendous support for my channeling, my spiritual growth and my daily life. Was I chosen for this? Yes, by me. At some level I called forth this experience.

In 2019 I began typing messages that I received from God and Jeshua. In the beginning, I doubted whether they were true spiritual messages. However, what I believed I couldn’t make up were the physical sensations that accompanied them, vibration in my heart center and sometimes a physical sensation in my forehead, crown area and face. I waited for those sensations before typing what I heard. The messages began in July with discussion of channeling and how I felt about it. I had not consciously considered that I would channel so when the messages began I was surprised and it took time to believe it. Some of the doubt resulted from a difficult spiritual experience I had in 2000, described in the Awakening tab. Because of that, my reticence to fully step into the role of channeling occurred a number of times. 

I worked at discernment and distinguishing between mind thought and true spiritual messages. Each time doubt arose, I was patiently and lovingly guided back to a state of belief. This section describes the unfolding of my channeling through a dialog with God and Jeshua. It is included it in the hope that it might be helpful to others on their spiritual path. 

July 28, 2019: Tonight, I felt a lot of energy and some warmth. I had a feeling that I have come to know when God is connecting with me. I heard the quiet voice I have come to know as God’s say:

I will speak with you.

I heard those words as clearly as though I was talking with another person in the room. The words spoken were very clear. The message was about something I would experience that was spiritual in nature. I was told it would be soon and would understand when it occurred. I heard:

Do not be startled. You will not be dismayed or confused.

I had a great feeling of anticipation; I could not help but remember that in the past I had been very disappointed because I did not understand that not all messages were true connections with God. I would not allow that again. This time I had knowledge and experience. Then I heard:

Now we will begin. You have come here at a time of great distress on earth. This you chose long ago. Your gift is communication. Your life events have led you to this. Now you will speak your truth and we will help you. You have asked for this. You are a Lightworker. At this time there is great negativity. It is all around and is very dense and heavy. Many of you are working to bring light to the world, and for some, it is dismaying and seems hopeless. You and all the Lightworkers are here to be a part of that process and we honor you. Do not be discouraged.

I am here with you in this moment in time. Your fifth dimensional self is not yet fully integrated. You will experience more as the integration continues. Be patient. Believe. Be confident. Do not worry. All is progressing as it should.

This is the first time I am hearing about my fifth dimensional self.

Much is opening up to you now and you will not understand for a time. Be aware. Be observant. Do not become discouraged or doubtful. You are fully open to this new way of being. It is all encompassing, as you have perceived through my vibration. It is the new you. A ‘knowing’ you. All the things you are asking about have answers now. You need only ask to receive.

How does this fit in with what I might do with this as a Lightworker? What was my plan?

Adjust to this new way of being. Try it on, wear it, get comfortable with it. What you do as a Lightworker is up to you. It can unfold as you wish.

You said, do not be startled. Is there more? Am I just going nuts?

There is more and no, you are not going nuts.

The next day the energy and vibration continued. Sometimes there was slight pressure on the top of my head. Unlike vibrations previously, it felt like it was inside my head and body. However, the following day, all of that energy and vibration was gone. What happened? God had said to adjust to this new way of being. Try it on, wear it, get comfortable with it but it was gone.

August 1, 2019: I am intending to connect with God and to hear what he says.

I am here.

I asked for a signal and heard:

You do not need the signal; you know it is me. You felt my vibration throughout your body. Now you are worried, distressed because the vibration is gone. Why do you think it is over, this grand spiritual experience? Rather than being distressed, be happy, you are growing by leaps and bounds.

Yes, but where am I going? What am I going to do?

That is for you to decide. You have talked about channeling, is that what you want to do?

I think so but would want to be sure the messages are spiritual, that I was not making them up.

What makes you think you are not making them up now?

I felt your vibration and your words seem true to me.

Well then, are you not a channel already?

I have not been thinking of it as channeling. Do you mean, channel you?

Why not?


Is that a yes, I choose to channel God?


So it is.

What about Jeshua?

What about Jeshua?

Well, I feel a strong connection with him and he has helped me so much that maybe channeling him is what I intended. But now your words are coming to me very clearly.

Why not channel both of us?


You can channel whomever you wish. So, where were we?


This form of communication is open to you as are other forms. Which approach is up to you.

I want to be accurate and truthful.

And so you will be. Our words will come through clearly and you will know that you are receiving truth.

I would like others to hear your words. How would I share with others?

That will be up to you. Whatever you choose, we will be here to guide and assist you.

But there are so many already channeling now.

And so many more are needed.

Would you send your voice through my body? Is that how it would work?

If you wish. There are two things I would tell you. First, know in your heart that this is what you want to do; and second, follow your instincts to do what it will take for it to happen.

Also, your help, Jeshua and others?

Always. That is good for now.

August 2, 2019

We will start now. How are you finding this experience? Are you comfortable with it?

I am happy and I like it. I need to know that it is you and not me making it up.

Do you not feel my vibration? Did you not get a message about talking?

Yes, I got the message and vibration.

Well then. I want to talk to you about your future here on Earth. I want to talk about what you visualize for yourself, what you want to create.

I want to help us move into a higher consciousness. I don’t know what that looks like.

Then let’s talk about specifics. What would be your preferences?

I want to be connected with you, tangibly and whenever desired. I want to know it is you and to hear/perceive you clearly and most of all, accurately. Truth. Some part of me would love it if you would speak through my body so others can hear your words. I guess that is channeling where the person steps aside and the spiritual entity steps into the body so to speak. I also love Jeshua very much and would welcome that from him.

Do you believe it is possible for me to audibly speak through you?

I do. If I am a creator and create my own reality and that is what I intend, why wouldn’t you do that? There are many who are already channeling beings from the nonphysical realm. And if this is a new level of consciousness that is available to us, why isn’t now the perfect time?

There would be challenges from without. Some would not believe you. There would be some negativity.

That is not surprising. Look how long it has taken for me to believe that I am actually talking with you. And Jeshua?

Jeshua, too.

I think people are longing to know that you are accessible, that you are available to them. They would like to believe it and experience it. Some are afraid, some are in denial but I think many are open to experiencing you in this way. Having said that, I believe many are already in contact, in conversation with you.

So, where do I fit in?

Good question.

Thank you.

I meant that I haven’t worked that out because to me it is new, big, unknown.

Would you like to know my thoughts?


You could take down my words, as you are doing now and publish as you have done in the past. You have considered your next writing and publishing to be in eBook format and that would not entail the cost or labor involved in a hardbound paper book. That approach worked well for your purposes at the time, but you have not the inclination to get into the tangibles of book selling and are too independent to want to turn over manuscripts to another publisher.

Oh, hope I am not just making this up, off my rocker.

Wouldn’t you have to be a little off set to consider this?


Another approach, I could speak words to you as I am now and you could state them out loud. You want to share my words, do you not?

Yes. That’s the point.

So, you would repeat out loud what I am saying, as I am speaking to you.

There’s the same old danger, am I making it up or inaccurate and could I actually do that in front of others and be confident?

I would speak to you in such a way that there would be no doubt in your mind as to what I am saying. You would be infused with confidence that you are connected, accurate and truthful in your speaking.

Another approach is the one you alluded to in the beginning of this conversation, that you would channel me, that is, I would enter your consciousness and yours would in effect step aside and I would speak directly, through your voice.

That sounds like it would resolve the concern about making it up and any inaccuracy. How would it work on my end?

It would be seamless in that you would ask me to come forward and then let it happen. You would not be aware of what I would be saying during the process but could listen later to a recording.

Are there physical effects, what would be needed to allow this to happen?


I just had a reading with the Arcturians. I am hearing God:

Hello again. How was your reading?

I found it helpful, talking about what I have been experiencing in the last two weeks and particularly since you started talking with me this week.

Do you see things more clearly now?

Yes, I think channeling would be very helpful for people. I believe so many wish to connect with you but think they don't hear back from you. I would like them to hear you. The Arcturians said that books would be helpful, also channeling. We discussed how channeling could be recorded and uploaded to the Internet. That sounds good. The book would be helpful, but hearing you is what I think is so very much needed.

Then that is what we will do.

Is trance channeling hard on the body? Would I be able to do that?

This process would not be difficult, because as you know, we are one. We are already part of each other. When do you want to start?

As soon as I can record. Can you help?


August 3, 2019: I had my reading from the Arcturians yesterday and took away from it that what I have been receiving is coming from outside me, not within. That validation was good to hear. I was told that I am experiencing a new level of spirituality, one that opens me up to speaking with and hearing back from God. That dialog in the past few days seemed incredible and also felt real. I don’t think I could have made it up in the depth, sequence and timing that it occurred. During my reading with the Arcturians, writing books came up as well as channeling and making God’s messages available through the Internet. That sounded good, feasible and practical. Now I am feeling the mind has entered the picture and is trying to put up roadblocks. However, I am in control and know that I can create my heart’s desire which is for others who wish to hear God.

I have just read about trance channeling and want to understand the process. I understood that there are phases in the channeling process; first there is the connection between Spirit and channeler; second, the message is delivered; and third, Spirit withdraws. Also, within channeling, there are different levels and different types. Options. You are here? I feel your vibration.

I am.

Right now, I am feeling discouraged about channeling you.

Tell me again.

It would be wonderful for people to hear you and I would like to say your words.

It is hard for people to take in, it is a grand creation indeed. It has just begun, give it time.

I don’t know what I am supposed to do in the meantime.

Know that it is happening and hold your dream.

Years ago, I thought something was going to happen for me spiritually and then nothing occurred. It is hard not to remember that. Are you really talking to me?

You know that I am. You do not need the signal or vibration. You know we are communicating.

August 4, 2019: I am at the computer, waiting for a vibe and feeling confident. I sense the egoic part of me is in the act, saying maybe it is my mind I am hearing, not THE God and that God is not a being or an entity, more of a life force.

What do you think about that?

I believe God is expansive, all that exists, and also personal. I love hearing from you. I have been thinking that your voice coming through me might not be practical. Is that my mind at work?

You have given it a great deal of thought but it seems you are not yet clear on which option you wish to take.

I would like to create a website.

Would that include dialog with you?

I don’t know what that would be, what I would say. Channeling to help them specifically?


Is that you or me?

Me. This is a discussion, is it not, a joint venture?

Yes. I just want to be sure I am not talking to myself. Give me some help here.

Do I sense frustration?


Give it time.

It’s just that it has taken many years to believe that it is you I am hearing.

And do you believe you are hearing me now?

It feels like it, but the vibration is gone.

You don’t need the vibration if you believe you are hearing me. There is still work to be done and all is progressing as it should. Be patient.

Okay, I’m going to sleep now.

August 22, 2019: I received the following message from God:

You have prayed, intended that everyone should know me. Indeed, if they did, they would not experience despair or loneliness, as is now the case. They would not wish to harm themselves or others for they would know that they are all part of The One. Each is a part of the whole, like cells in a body, My Body. You have asked to help others know me. You will do this through channeling. I will speak through you. I have done so with others, and many are needed. Know that I am speaking to you now. Trust what you hear. You are on track. You said you are feeling my vibration and you then asked for the signal and felt it. We have begun. This is the beginning. Stay with it, you are hearing me accurately and in truth, as you asked. Be encouraged, you are moving forward. It will be as you intended. We will speak again in this way and I am always available to you in whatever way you choose. All will come to you.

August 24, 2019: Yesterday I had trouble discerning between mind thought and God’s words.

In truth there is no difference between what you consider to be your mind and my words and messages to you. My words are filtered through your mind. You receive through what you consider to be the small voice and the middle voice. In fact, they are one and the same. You are perceiving my messages which are run through your filters and verbalized through what you call the middle voice. It is an interpretation process. You are attuned to both voices and that is what has confused you. Remember that my words are always the highest, love based. 

The middle voice is clearer, easier to understand but I am skeptical about it being you.

That is understandable and in time you will know that both voices are from me.

You told me that there would be no doubt that you would be coming through me. This does not feel like it is without doubt. Were you referring to your voice coming through me or this current process during which I hear you and type the words on my computer?

Recall when you were reading the Conversations with God book, I spoke to you then. It took you a while to realize that the words you were hearing were not from you, that you were not mentally processing. It was someone else. That was me. How does this current conversation feel different? You did not doubt at that time. Why now?

Because months later I began to hear another voice. Eventually, I realized that it must have been a lower vibration entity, or my egoic self. I experienced a lot of pain. That is the crux of my problem regarding doubt. So, I choose again some tangible way to know it is you.

I will provide it.

It is so easy to hear the middle voice, what’s the catch?

As the Arcturians said, you are a very clear channel, a clear receiver. You hear me clearly because you are open to the frequency through which I transmit. The only catch is that you don’t believe it is actually me.

Years ago, the voice that was not you was also very clear.

Was it of the highest truth and of love?

It seemed so at first but not as time went on. When having conversations such as we have been having, some statements are neutral and can be interpreted as you when maybe they are not.

Have these conversations been negative?

No, neutral and positive.

Well then.

Years ago, the pain was too great. I had to shut down all of it. I will not be misled again. I have learned to protect myself, something I did not know about at the time. However, there can still be mind thought involved and that is the concern.That is why it is so important to receive validation that I am not fabricating.

Understood. So it will be.