Messages from Jeshua - 2022

God is love and you are love

January 5, 2022

"We are all God; We are One. God is love and you are love. That is your natural state. It is intended that you experience your Earthly incarnation from the perspective of love, from your heart. Fearful thinking is not a part of you. It presents itself when you invite it into your awareness. You can choose to acknowledge that and release it, knowing that it is a thought and is not real. You can do this by saying something such as: ‘I am releasing this fear-based thinking to the light. I am replacing it with love.’ You will experience a shift in attitude."

The Creation Process

March 11, 2022

"I will speak about the creation process. What you intend manifests in your reality. Knowing what you wish to experience, manifests. The creation process moves forward through intent. Intentions called forth from the heart are powerful. One’s intention presents itself to the creative process, which is God. Belief is a part of the creation process. Believing that what is being called forth will manifest. Another aspect of the creation process is worthiness, feeling worthy to receive the experience intended."

Know that all is going according to plan

May 8, 2022

"To my beloved sisters and brothers, I am happy to send this message. While there is much going on in your world, so many of you are focusing on your spiritual life. That is where reality exists. Know that all is going according to plan. The energies your planet is receiving and Earth herself is sending forth are guiding you to a new spiritual level. This you can feel. Continue focusing on your spiritual self, knowing that you are entering a new energetic vibrational level. This is a pivotal time in Earth’s history, in the evolution of the human species, and all life on your planet. Believe that it is occurring. Many in the spiritual realm are sending energy and always support you."

Beloved sisters and brothers

May 16, 2022

"Beloved sisters and brothers I am present and send you my love. You incarnated on Earth at a time that you are most needed, for Earth and all life upon it are undergoing a significant shift in consciousness. You came at this time to help. It is not a coincidence that you are living on Earth at the present time. It was part of your plan before you arrived. Now you are experiencing the tumult that accompanies change. Perhaps, for those who are already aware of that, you might sometimes wonder: ‘What was I thinking? This is not easy going.’ Precisely why you chose this time on Earth. Keep on focusing and meditating to uplift you beyond the mind and into the spiritual. That is where the answers exist."

An important time for human species

May 29, 2022

"Beloved sisters and brothers. I am here with you, as always. This is an important time for the human species. It is the next step in your spiritual evolution, a new way of being, as we have said. You are not yet experiencing all that this means, in time you will. Move within to a place of love, your heart space and you will engage it. Each person will experience it differently, in accordance with their own spiritual path. It may express as a vibration, a feeling of love, wellbeing, lack of a busy mind or some other way that is unique to you. Step into it with joy, for that is why you have incarnated in this lifetime. Before arriving, you knew it would be a time of challenge for humanity and all who reside on earth, including Mother Earth herself. You are in the midst of transition from the old to the new. You may call on me at any time for help."