"It is the beginning of a new year, a rebirth of sorts. The previous year has passed and you are now looking forward. There are many things to be done as you consider the days, weeks, and months ahead. Much of your focus is on doing. You may calendar certain matters and events and set reminders. All of this has to do with your physical existence."
"There is also another aspect of self to consider, the spiritual. In that place, from the heart, there are no to-do lists, no schedules, no reminders. Just being. That is a peaceful place from which to start your day. It could be through a guided meditation or a focus on that which is loving and joyful to you. You could accompany it with intent for the unfolding of the day, intending to remain in that state of being. In that place you experience yourself at the core of your being, who you really are. This is your heart center, the seat of your soul. You can return to it at any time. If negativity begins to enter your consciousness, with intention, you can return to that place of peace, your heart center."
January 31, 2024
“What will the new year bring, you ask? Whatever you choose. With each day, each moment you create that which you choose to experience. There are as many paths of creation as there are beings. You may be following one path, then another potential path occurs to you and there is a conscious shift to it. What does this mean, tangibly in everyday life? It means that there are many possibilities for you to choose from, all the time. Consider that you are driving down a road. Along the way there are many signs, some are directional and others, cautionary. As you drive, choices are presented. For example, Is this where I want to exit or do I wish to continue and take an exit that will take me elsewhere. It is so, in your physical life. In every minute you are choosing a course of action. Sometimes it is on a conscious level and other times, not so. Courses of action at the soul level are not as easily discernable. Shifting your consciousness to the heart area will take you there. Just as you make choices as you drive down a road, you can decide to choose from the soul level, from your heart. When there, you can intend to experience a joyful day, or for that matter, a joyful life. Intending, from the heart, for an outcome and focusing on it will result in its manifestation in your life.”