"Here’s what I wish to convey. Humanity is moving closer to the fifth dimension, more so than ever before. Some of you have reached fifth dimensional consciousness; some are still aspiring to it; and others are wholly immersed in a third dimensional existence. Each of you is evolving according to your soul’s plan. As earth raises her energy, humanity and all that exists on your planet will feel the impact. Some of you perceive this new energy and some do not. Nevertheless, you are all receiving it."
Finding Spiritual Answers
"Answers to spiritual questions cannot be processed mentally. As an analogy, it is like trying to open a can with a pair of scissors. Scissors are tools that are effective in the accomplishment of many tasks but opening a can is not one of them. To open a can, another tool must be used, a can opener which is designed for accomplishing that particular task. Likewise, processing spiritual events or answering spiritual questions cannot be accomplished through the mental process because it is not designed for that purpose. To understand spiritual matters, one must expand beyond the mind. Meditation, the process of placing oneself in a state of a heightened vibrational frequency is where answers to spiritual matters can be found."
"Greetings My Beloved. I am happy to connect with you in this way. This is a transformative time on earth. All is moving to a deeper spirituality. Many beings wish to witness this moment and help. New energies are arriving from all over the galaxy and beyond. Lightworkers on earth are spreading the energy of love throughout your world. While it may not seem so at the moment, humanity is moving forward as never before. What is envisioned is humanity fully engaging its connection with me while embodied. It has always been your goal and has taken, in your perception of time, very long to arrive at this point. Now you are here, on the threshold of a new way of being. You have brought yourself to this place. You can decide, take a step into a new level of spirituality, a personal connection with me or fall back into the old way of being, one that is not heart centered."
Who is God?
"I am all that is. I am pure light, pure love. Consider that there is nothing outside me. There cannot be because all life, everywhere originates with me, with my energy. I am the universes and the tiniest animal. Through my existence, everything lives, life is possible."
What is God?
"It can be said that I am pure potentiality, I am energy waiting to be expressed."
How did you come to be?
"I have always been. I did not have a beginning. It is not within the scope of your consciousness to grasp that. I would only say that it is so. Some things of a highly metaphysical nature cannot be understood by the human species at this time. That is not a criticism."
How did it all start? Was there a big bang?
"It was a major event. I create as you do, with intent and focus. It was my intent to create all that exists which I did in what you would consider a singular event. All of it, what you would consider past, present and future. This is one of the really big questions and is difficult to understand. It was a grand event. I went from existing to experiencing. Spectacular."
“Beloved sisters and brothers, you are divine beings. You are all part of God. You are powerful creators; a gift God has given you. Some of you are beginning to understand, embrace and engage that. Your creative ability is not always readily apparent because on the earth plane there is a pause between the act of creation and its manifestation. This can cause one to disbelieve the process. I will offer that you experience what you create. Sometimes that occurs at the conscious level and other times, at a deeper level. When you create from the heart, you are expressing your creative ability at the deepest and most loving level. When you do not create at all levels of your being in unity, the result can be mixed. That is, if some part of your being: mind, body and spirit is resisting, you will not bring forth the intended result. Focus and intent are the keys.”
"Who are you, do you know? You are more than what you do for a living, where you live, and your possessions. You are divinity. You are a god, part of me. You are beginning to realize that. It is glorious. Your vibrational levels are rising and new doors are opening to you. You are becoming more and more aware that you create all that you experience."
"You are powerful creators. That is what you do every day, every minute. You do not see results immediately because of the density of the physicality within which you exist. But it is becoming more obvious now. Choosing consciously that which you wish to experience will bring in the desired results. Through your thoughts, words and actions, you create. The best results occur when you choose at all levels of your being, from the spiritual, mental and physical levels. It is happening, rejoice. You are moving forward."
You are greatly loved and cherished
"You can decide not to take in others’ energy. Imagine a boundary all around you. There is a door that you can keep closed and open when you wish. Picture that door in your mind now. Do you wish the boundary to look like a wall above a moat? Centuries ago, castles had such boundaries. A draw bridge was lowered over a moat and a door was opened to allow entry to visitors or kept closed to keep out enemies. Perhaps this might be a good visual to keep in your mind. Pull up the bridge when an unwanted visitor approaches. They can still be in the vicinity but not allowed in unless you decide to lower the draw bridge and open the door. What we are speaking of here is an instance when you perceive negative energy coming toward you. Know that we are with you. You are an energy warrior, a light worker, on a mission in this lifetime. You are greatly loved and cherished."
Humanity is moving forward
"Humanity is moving forward and it has been long awaited. There is great joy among us as we observe your progress. We know that it is not easy to maintain a high frequency vibration and we commend you for your efforts. The high vibrational energy you send out extends far beyond earth. Know that you are making this shift to a new level happen."