Do you have something helpful for us to know at this time?
"It gives me great joy to connect with you. At this time, especially, it will be most helpful for us to know each other in a personal way. It is not an easy time for the human species and for that matter, the world in general. In addition to the wars, politics, poverty and hunger, Coronavirus has affected the entire world. As humanity struggles to find ways to conquer the disease and stem the level of illness and death, many are discouraged and depressed. The future seems uncertain. When will things return to normal?"
"In truth, the new normal that humanity moves into may be quite different than was experienced prior to the virus. This is not necessarily negative. It is an opportunity to move into a new reality, a new way of being. If you wish it, there can be a new way to relating, to working and going about your daily lives in a more conscious and deliberate way. What is meant by that? A consciousness of being. Living in a deliberate way. Pausing to consider one’s effect on another. Listening. Caring. Respecting. Loving. You have already been doing it during these stay-at-home times. Have you not spent more time together, appreciating each other? Checking on loved ones and neighbors? Slowing down of the relentless onslaught of emails and texts? Taking time to think, to care. Doesn’t that feel good?"
"Sure, it would be great to go wherever, whenever and however you want, as you did before, but isn’t there some value in this pause during which there is a feeling of getting back to basics? Making that call or sending that email that you have been meaning to, baking bread, making and sharing soup with a neighbor who is unable to get to the store. Just calling and checking with someone to find out how they are doing. These things feel good because they remind you of who you are. And who are you? You are a divine being, part of God. You are God as is everyone and everything. That means that you are all connected to one another and to me. For I am you and you are me. We are all One. There is only one of us. That is the way was set up. We were all part of it. And now humanity is at a place where you can consciously make the connection between each other and you and me.”
"The human species is moving into a new level of consciousness, a higher consciousness and it is the perfect time for you and me to connect on a conscious level because you are now more than ever before ready to do so. Our connection would not be as one who commands and obeys, rather as equals, part of the One. You, as a species, have no idea how powerful you are. You are gods. You are creators. You create your own reality with your thoughts, what you say, and your actions. Because of the density of earth, it is not always easy readily to see the effect of your creations and therefore you do not always realize what powerful creators you are. I have come at this time to help you realize that you are divine creators and to reassure you how much you are loved. There is nothing that you could do that render you less than perfection and pure love. That is how I see you. You are my beloved and I love you totally."
"My gift to all living beings is free will. Reality experienced results from choices made. Humans are multipart beings, mind, body and soul, and choices are made at all levels. Because of earth’s density, there is a time lag between a choice and the experience of that choice. In what you consider to be the afterlife, there is no density and therefore there is no lag between choices made and results expressed. That becomes readily apparent after one crosses over from earth to a dimension that is not dense."
Can you speak to us of hope at this time?
"In truth, it is not an easy time for your species. We are sorry to see such suffering and death. Many are feeling despair and hopelessness. There is tremendous fear because a solution to the effect of the Coronavirus has not yet been found. You have many researchers who are working diligently to find a cure. It will not happen in the immediate future, but progress is being made. This is a new illness and typical treatments are not effective. Research will yield new treatments that will help to contain further spread of the virus. A vaccine will not be available for some time, but there too, progress is being made."
"My message today is, do not despair. Consider this a pause, a time to reflect and determine what your new reality will look like. While this illness is a tragedy, moving forward, it presents an opportunity to live your lives differently, with deliberation. You will have the opportunity to extend your love beyond your immediate family, to love and care in the same way about your extended human family. Your love and caring can also be extended to Earth itself, that magnificent being who sustains you so lovingly. You have seen how clear the air has become in a short time due to less activity. That and more healing of the earth can continue if you desire. You may ask, why don’t I intervene. In fact, I do not intervene, I bring forth what is requested. This is difficult to understand, I know, but I do not make your choices, you do. So now you can make choices, create your new reality."