Greetings, We are the Arcturians
“We are the Arcturians, pleased to speak with you. Many among you have decided to step away from cultural belief boundaries and decide for yourselves to choose and create your own belief systems. Part of that new belief system includes the concept of human empowerment, the belief that God has given all of you the gift of creativity. Through that gift, you create at some level all that you experience. There are many who are open to a new way of thinking about God. Perhaps a personal, loving relationship is possible.”
Toward a New Consciousness
"We are the Arcturians and we are here to speak to you. This is a time of great tumult on earth. It is felt by all. Some believe it is the beginning of the end. Others believe it is an ending that precedes a new beginning and from our perspective, that is so. We wish to help instill in humanity, through our messages, hope for the future and the knowledge that what is unfolding at this time is moving forward to a new way of being. It is difficult to see it through your current lenses. We are happy to share that from our perspective and that of others in the nonphysical realm, it is stunning."
"While we see the negativity, the pain, the sorrow, the tragedy, we also have a clear view of the shift that is taking place on your planet. The shift is upward, so to speak toward a new consciousness, a new connection with the Divine. It is unprecedented on Earth. The energy of negativity is loud and forceful. The energy of love is gentle, steadfast and enduring, and that is what we see. So many of you are focused on raising your energetic vibration, in love, to new levels. That loving energy permeates the collective consciousness and flows outward beyond your planet into the universe. It is changing everything as never before on your beautiful Earth and beyond."
"We will add one more thing. Take heart. Do not be discouraged at what may feel like nothing but negative energy surrounding you. It cannot be sustained in the presence of love. Those who are focused on the egoic aspect of self may choose to continue to be so, but many of you are stepping away from the grip of the ego. You are moving into a heart-based existence. In the end, love conquers all. We thank you for receiving this message."
We are the One Collective in the spiritual realm
"We are the One Collective in the spiritual realm. We send you a message of hope, encouragement and support. Our hope for humanity is the attainment of a new level of spiritual consciousness. In this regard, we and many others in the spiritual realm are assisting you. It is a pivotal moment in Earth’s history and not an easy time to be incarnated. Those of you who are incarnate know very well that there is great difficulty on your planet at this time. Some are moving forward spiritually, some are not yet aware of that potential change, and others are holding on to what has been so in the past. Turbulence is to be expected at this time of shedding of the old, moving forward and renewal. We offer encouragement as you become the new you. Know that you have our support throughout this major step forward."
The Elders: "We are pleased to send our message to you. This is a time of great hope, the opening of a new level of spiritual consciousness for humans and all who reside on Earth, including Gaia herself. All is moving forward, it is accelerating. You feel it, streams of energy coming in from many Light Beings. We see all that is occurring on Earth. From our vantage point, there are wondrous things happening. There is much love and grace being held by so many of you, it is changing everything. We share this because we know that it is not easy for you to see it, for you are immersed in it. You would say the tide is turning. Negative energy is strong; however, positive energy, that of love, is enduring. Love survives, always. You are moving into a new way of being, this you have heard before. We repeat it as reinforcement. It is so. Move forward in love and joy."
Arcturians: "We are very close to you in many ways. We stand ready to assist you in any way possible. You are not alone, there are many others who are also pleased to assist when called upon. This is a very important time on Earth, also turbulent and unsettled. It is a challenging time for humanity and that is all the more reason to ask for assistance. Do not hesitate, we are standing by."
The Others: "We are beings from very far away, another galaxy. We are visitors to your galaxy and have become acquainted with the beautiful planet you call Earth. We have not known humans in our past and find your species to be unique. You live in full physicality with mental, egoic, and spiritual components. We observe that it is a pivotal time in your history, one that requires renewal in many ways. Our message to you is that from our vantage point we see that it is happening. You are a noble species. We wish you great success as you move into a new way of being."
"Greetings. We are Pleiadeans from the Seven Sisters Star System. We and humanity have known each other for eons. We are pleased to be in communication with you. We have observed, with love, humanity’s spiritual evolution and see that you are making great strides. You are moving forward into a new level of consciousness. There is much interest in your species and earth. You have come very far and will continue to do so. We know that in some ways it is not easy. There are some who do not wish to experience this forward movement and resist the progress. However, there are so many more of you who are embracing this new level of consciousness. Earth is receiving much energy at this time and you can feel it. It is a wonderful sight to see, so to speak. Our message to you is that you are not alone in your spiritual journey, you are receiving love and support from many."
Greetings from another galaxy
“Greetings. We are beings from another galaxy. We are aware of your star system and planet Earth. It is a most fascinating world. It is very exciting to witness the coming of age of a species. We understand that it has been a long struggle for your humanity and commend you on your progress as you move into a new spiritual consciousness. We wish to add our love and support for your efforts. You may call on us any time for assistance. We send you energy and wish you well on your spiritual journey.”
We Bring a Message of Love
The Creators: "We are here and come to you with a message of love. Your planet is experiencing significant changes, some beneficial and others, not so much. It is all part of the process of the transition into a new spiritual consciousness. All living beings, including Mother Earth, are experiencing this energy of change. It is coming to Earth in increased intensity and pace. That is to say, there is more happening and faster. You all feel it. Some embrace it and others attempt to ignore it which results in confusion and fear. Those who wish to ignore it or don’t understand it will act on it, nonetheless. You are seeing that now, all around you. Your world feels unsettled, events seem chaotic in some ways. Take heart, this is part of the process, shedding of the old and birth of the new way of being. It is growth. Many throughout the universe are sending that energy and along with it, their love and support. You are treasured."
The Elders: "To our dear Earth inhabitants, we are aware that it is a time of turbulence. It is part of the process that occurs when there is a significant shift in consciousness, as is happening now on your planet. All living beings are receiving the energy that is being sent to earth and all are feeling it on some level. It is accelerating and unsettling. The mind cannot process it because what is occurring is not of the mind. It is outside the mind, it is on a spiritual level. Some of you are aware and are moving into the heightened consciousness. Others are not aware at this time. Many of you are open to this new way of being, whether consciously or not. Soon you will experience a new spiritual step forward, something that you will be able to validate within your physicality. We send you our love and support."
The Hathors: "To our beloved humans, we greet you with joy. We are the Hathors and have a message for you. It has been a difficult era on earth for many centuries. While there have also been wonderful times and much progress, it has, for the most part been on the physical level. The spiritual level has not progressed at the same pace. With regard to spirituality, you have now begun to move toward a new consciousness. This new consciousness will enable you to reconnect with other realms, something that you started out with when you originally incarnated. Deep within you there might be a memory of us when we were present on earth in Egypt. We have remained with you and will continue to do so. We send you our energy and love."
Archangel Michael: "I am so pleased to connect with you in this way. I am always available to you in any way you wish to communicate and I will respond. You need only call on me and I will come to you. My message is one of hope, love and joy. That is what I am and that is what you are. You are moving closer to connecting with Oneness and all that is. This is a momentous time. Be joyful, a new way of being is here. I love you."