"Beloveds, I am so pleased to connect with you in this way. In truth, I am always available to engage with you, if you wish to do so. Just call on me. At any time, for any reason."
Let us talk about becoming
"Let us talk about becoming. Where you are now spiritually, is not where you will be in the future. All is moving forward, the Earth and all of its inhabitants, including the human species. This movement is being felt by all, yet it is not easily defined. That is because it is outside your experiences in the physical realm. It is spiritual in nature, a vibration. Movement into the new way of being. A tremendous amount of energy is being sent to the planet. Its impact is inescapable and that is wonderful. It engages the spiritual growth process. This phase in Earth’s history has been long coming. Now it has begun and you are all feeling it. For some it is so very welcome. For others it is being felt at some level and mostly not consciously. These individuals are open to something new on a spiritual level although they cannot quite put their finger on what feels different. Something is going on, but it cannot be defined. It is a different kind of experience. Then there is the last group. They, too, know that something is changing and they do not like it because it represents a change from the status quo. It is outside their comfort zone."
"Let us speak of love. You have heard many times that we are beings of love, all of us and everything that exists. That is because all of it is me. All is part of me. And I am love. I am the energy of love waiting to manifest. Always. All that exists can express as love. That is all there is. Then why is there negativity? It has to do with the process of calling forth that which has been created. Sometimes that which is intended manifests in a positive way, which is another way of expressing love. Other times, the result is not what was consciously intended. That is because there is a conflict at some level and so the results are mixed, distorted, one might say."
"Intent and focus are the path to creation. They start the engine. Consciously focusing on what is intended is the key. Focusing on precisely what is intended will bring the desired result. The mind can distract and impact results. When something does not result as intended, focus again on precisely what the creative goal is. You all know how to do this; you are doing so with each breath that you take. You have been taught not to believe in yourself, maybe someone else can be your conduit. Assistance may be sought by some and that is okay. In truth you do not need another to experience what you have created."
"You are divine beings with creative ability. It is a gift I have given you along with the complete freedom, through your intent and focus, to create your reality. I am not making those choices. Doing so would interfere with your creative gift. I deliver what which you have chosen. You choose, not me. Know deep within your heart that you are empowered beings, divine beings of love. Nothing happens to you. All is chosen, created by you. You are now stepping into that space, consciously. That was the original plan. It is glorious and gives me great joy to experience, through you, that which you have created. It is my joy. You are my love."
"I am always with you. I am part of you, and you of me. We are inextricably connected. I am never somewhere else. In truth, there is nowhere else. Everything is here in the moment of now. Why do you not perceive that? It would be too much to hold in your present consciousness, by design. However, it does exist at different levels. In your current physicality it is sometimes referred to as other dimensions or altered states of consciousness. There are many dimensions. They are vibrational levels. These other ‘places’ are actually states of higher vibrations, sometimes called heaven or the spiritual level."
"One’s vibrational level engages exposure to and experience of other dimensions and the beings within them. There is much to experience. It is available to all. How to engage in that process? Meditation is one way. A focus on breath will result in clearing of mind thought and a return to the heart center. Breathe deeply and focus on the heart center. That is the pathway. Sound daunting? How to do that? There are aids available to you: many meditation choices; joining and sharing with others of like mind; enjoying nature and the beauty of the Earth are some other approaches."
Yes, there are other universes
"We will speak of other worlds. Your scientists know that other planets, star systems and galaxies exist because they have been observed through your telescopes. Other universes? That is another matter. Scientific theory suggests that it may be so but there is no proof, nothing beyond theory. That is as it should be for now. You are moving into a level where that understanding will become possible. Yes, there are other universes, parallel and otherwise. Your universe is vast. Other universes are too, beyond your current comprehension. Life exists everywhere."
How do I maintain a connection?
I choose to remain in that beautiful place, a wonderful connection with you. Sometimes I feel that connection but at a much less degree. How to get back to and stay in that place.
"It is but a breath away. Breathing, clearing the mind and focusing on the breath is a way to return. The mind wants to intercede and that is natural. Our connection, the connection with the nonphysical realm is not of the mind. The mind cannot get to that place. The mind exists in the physical realm. It cannot understand experiences that are outside physicality. Understanding of the nonphysical, the spiritual, resides in the heart. Yet sometimes it is hard to get past the activity of the mind to get to that place. More challenging is staying there, living from the heart and a place of love."
"Sometimes egoic needs can become dominant and overwhelm the desire to live from the heart. In those instances the egoic side of the being takes over. Its needs are outsized. More is better, self-needs are what matters. The being will do what it takes to satisfy those needs. When one need is satisfied, another arises and so on. That becomes the essence of the being’s existence. Matters of the heart, coming from the heart and living from that place are submerged and not addressed on conscious level because the egoic needs dominate. It can be observed in those who live in that state. Power, authority, control are important because they are momentarily satisfying, even joyful to the being. What can result from those needs is greed, control, and dominance over others. When a being lives from the heart, true happiness is experienced. It is where one can experience me. I am love. I am joy. You are part of me. We are one. Therefore, love and joy is your birthright. How to get there? Try focusing on the area in your body where your heart is located. I am not speaking of focusing on your physical heart, rather the area of its location, the energetic location called the heart chakra or energy center. It is a place of calm, lack of fear, lack of worry, lack of thought. It just is. Very soothing and comforting. Breathe deeply. Take several deep breaths and focus consciously on the heart center. You will begin to feel calm and relaxed. Do this whenever mind thought takes over and creates fear or sadness. Fear cannot reside in the heart center. That is where your soul resides, where I can be found."
I am with you at all times
"I am with you at all times. We can feel as connected as you wish. Know that it is a perception on your part, I can’t be anywhere else except within you. The degree of your awareness of that is up to you. It is difficult at times to get through the matters of your earthly existence, hard to get to me, so to speak. Again, a state of mind. Pausing, breathing and being aware helps. Deciding to be more consciously connected with me will get you back to that place."
How do we experience in the nonphysical realm?
"Thinking, the thought process, is a wonderful tool that enables you to engage within the physical realm and move through all that is before you each day. In the nonphysical realm, whatever you think, you experience immediately. The density of earth no longer exists and therefore there is no delay between the creative moment and the experience. It is glorious. Whatever you think, happens. Beautiful thoughts result in beautiful experiences."
"How, you ask, do we experience in the nonphysical realm without our physical senses? The answer is complex. Here is how I will explain it. Consider the experience of watching a movie. While watching it, your emotional senses are engaged by that which is being conveyed on the screen. You experience joy, fear, happiness as you watch the movie. You do not however, experience it in a physical way. For example, you can watch a cook preparing a meal but you do not experience the aroma of that meal being prepared. You can observe the cook tasting the meal but you do not have the experience of tasting it yourself. You are observing and experiencing in a different way than if you were preparing and tasting the meal in your kitchen. When someone is injured in the movie, you do not feel the pain that they are demonstrating. To a certain extent, experiencing in the nonphysical realm is the same. The depth of the experience is different. What you think, that is, what you create with your mind, you experience. That is one way to describe it. I love you and am with you at all times."
"With regard to experiencing in the nonphysical realm, here is a question that is frequently asked: ‘Can our loved ones connect with us, or we with them after they have transitioned?’ The answer is yes. Any time you think of one who has passed, they perceive your thought. They can also connect with you. For example, they might suddenly come to your mind. You are hearing from them."
"Some say that they don’t perceive a communication when they wish to hear from one who has passed. Whether or not it is perceived, the communication occurs. Some individuals pick up that vibe, so to speak, and others do not. It depends on the receptivity of an individual at the time. One can say, 'I speak to my loved one but they do not respond.' In truth, they do. Many things can temporarily block the receipt of the transmission, including an individual’s vibration at the time, fear or resistance. Not believing, at some level, can also inhibit reception of a communication from one who has passed. With a clear mind and openness, the message can be received."
"Manifestation, that is a word worthy of explanation. It is the way to experience that which you have created and intended to call forth in your physical life. That is how it works. It seems to be the opposite of the way you experience in your physical life. In physicality, the thought process creates the goal and then the steps necessary to achieve that goal follow. In the physical realm, knowledge is gained through experience. In the nonphysical realm, knowing precedes experience. That’s it, in a nutshell. In the nonphysical realm, steps toward a goal are unnecessary. There is the intent to create and immediately following, the result of that intent occurs. The steps required in physicality do not apply in the nonphysical realm. In both realms, conscious and directed thought is necessary for the desired goal to be realized. Particularly in the nonphysical realm that is so because the result of an intent occurs instantly. Whatever is intended, results. Positive, loving intent results in positive and loving experiences. In both realms, if the intended result does not occur, there can be a redirection."
Healing engages through intent
"Healing can be engaged by everyone. It is an innate ability that you all have. Some are very aware and have learned to engage it, at will. This is often done through healing modalities, of which there many available. Healing engages through intent, placing oneself in a state of readiness to receive and transmit healing energy to another. Intend for it to occur and focus on that. Believe it and have confidence. Placing oneself in a neutral state, taking deep breaths and focusing on the heart area will begin the process. Releasing mind thought is helpful because thinking it through will not bring in the energy. It comes from universal energy, from me, through you and to the being you wish to assist."
"You asked about living in the illusion. If nothing is real, why does it seem so and why are experiences stored in our energy fields from this and other lives? I will answer that and in time you will come to understand the depth of it. With regard to the illusion and the idea that nothing is real, that is so to a certain extent. Everything is me, created by me. Within the illusion, every being creates their experiences. The impact of those experiences is stored in their energy field and is carried forth from incarnation to incarnation as the being desires to evolve on the spiritual level."
"Have faith and confidence in yourself. You are a divine being living in earthly physicality. You have power and creativity that can be engaged at will. All opportunities are open to you. You can reach for them and experience as you choose. I am always with you, within you, for you are me."
"The feeling of being scattered results from a lower vibrational level. How best to raise it? And how to maintain it? You know the answer, meditation. Focus on returning to the heart center. Place yourself there and intend to remain in that state of being. The fact that you may not feel my presence does not mean I am not with you, indeed part of you and you of me. We are one."
All that you experience is a gift
"All that you experience is a gift. All of it is intended to further you along your spiritual path and into your new level of consciousness. How to maintain that and continue spiritual growth? Do not be concerned about what may come. Stay in your heart space and know it will be."
"You can and will do all that you intend. You are up to it. You are capable of it."
"I will speak to you of life. It never ends. All is eternal. An apt term is the word transition. That is what it is. Not an end to life, there is no such thing. It is a change from one state to another."
"You are not alone. Many are helping you. When you go within you can feel it. We are sending you our love and it will sustain you. Know that as you go about your day. I love you and am here for you at all times."
"Let us speak of spiritual evolution while embodied. Earth is a complex place with many energies and all that goes with living in physicality. Feel good about that. Feel good about yourself. Let your love of self come in. You are now ready, living from a place of love, connected with me, believing, feeling worthy, trusting. All of it. Bravo!"
Remember that you are a highly evolved being
"Remember that you are a highly evolved being who has chosen to incarnate as you currently have. That involves forgetting, temporarily, who you are. As a human you have particular slice of reality, by design. You have a knowing, on a deep level, that you are so much more than your incarnation at the human level."
You are on a spiritual journey
"You are on a journey, a spiritual journey while incarnated in physicality on Earth. It presents a challenge because you are living in duality. The duality of which I speak is that of the heavenly and earthly realms. There is a balance to keep. Along with that, there is the spiritual evolution and desire to move forward. In other words, you are living a life in the physical realm while simultaneously evolving spiritually. That evolution includes stepping into a beautiful space, the heart, while also releasing fear, anger, trauma and pain from past lives. The same is true in your current incarnation."
"The commitment to evolve spiritually, to step into a new way of living, from the heart can seem daunting. Beyond that, there seems to be no tangible way to gauge its progress. It is not perceived through your physical senses. Yet, it is ever present. You can experience that by placing yourself in your heart center where you can feel the true essence of who you are. It is in that place that you can connect with your soul. It is where you can experience the essence of me, of Source. It is where you can experience the boundless you, the expansive you, the limitless you. How to remain in that place? Intend to become aware of where your consciousness is seated. Are you thinking, trying to figure things out or are you in a place of calm, tranquility and peace? In the heart center there is no fear, nor any of its manifestations. It is a matter of engaging in that process, consciously. It becomes easier the more you do so. I invite you to feel encouraged, motivated by this message."
"Externally there is so much going on and it can be overwhelming. It seems inescapable, all around you. That is true to a certain extent. It is also true that you have a choice in what you allow into your consciousness, your energy field. Remember the example of the castle, moat and draw bridge? Also remember that you do not have to absorb the energies that are coming at you from the external world. That energy can enter your thoughts which can engender negative feelings. Feelings of hopelessness. It is not real. None of this is real. Your world is one of illusion although it seems so very real. All part of the illusion."
I love you and am with you
"Living from the heart means coming from a new place. It is difficult to remember that in the moment, to stay in the place of love, especially when what is coming at you is negative or painful. The mind wants to react, to protect. Being aware of that can be helpful. I love you and am with you."
My message is about peacefulness
"My message is about peace or more so to the point of peacefulness. It is a time of great stress and many challenges on Earth. You are incarnated in the physical realm and subject to its effect. You have the choice of observing but not finding yourself immersed in it. The way to do that is to focus on the heart area. In art, Jeshua is sometimes shown with a heart. It is the sacred heart. It is to depict the heart center, the place of love within you. It is the seat of your soul. It the god part of you. It is me. Be the love that you are."
Remaining in your heart center
"Remaining in your heart center, as much as possible, will help with the issues of fear and being overwhelmed. The mind creates scenarios that trigger those feelings. Thoughts are not real, they generate emotion. The heart does not generate scenarios. It just is. That is a peaceful place for you to go to when the mind starts to generate scenarios."
"Be love. That is what you are. That is who you are. In your essence you know it. How to tap into that? Focus on your heart area. It is where your soul resides. It is that part of you that is me. Your heart center is a place of peace, of calm, of love. In that space there is no worry, no concerns, no fear, no anger. Those states of being emanate from the mind. The heart center does not engage in those matters. Mind thought, egoic issues do not exist in the heart center. That is why it is such a peaceful, loving place. Consciously focus on moving to your heart center, remaining there and you will experience all the love and joy that exists within the heart."