God's Spiritual Project, 2023

February 25, 2023:

I heard God say:

During our experiences together, I have connected you with beings in other planets, star systems, galaxies and the spiritual realm. You have always felt safe because I am with you during those interactions. You feel their joy, their love. You sense their vastness, highly evolved states and consciousness. It is uplifting even afterward. While you do not always know how to identify them specifically, you have a general sense of who they are. You feel their vibrations which you have intuitively described as signatures. It is so. Each being is unique. Each being has their own unique way of identifying through their vibrational energy level. You said that you like these interactions very much.

May 29, 2023: I woke up at 2:30 this morning. I perceived that there was a message. I had been told recently that someone new was coming into my life. Didn’t know if that meant it would be physically or spiritually. This morning I heard that there would be spiritual beings coming to me. Beings of love from the high realm. They would be in physicality of some sort. I was told that they want to help Earth and all upon it and that it will be helpful for them to connect with a human. Are they who would be coming into my life? If so, I am honored and deeply appreciative. I was told that God would be with me so that I would know they were beings of love. I am ready for this experience, truly looking forward to it. Then I perceived their energetic vibrations, each one different from the other. At first it seemed that there were two and then a third, more like a guide of some sort. Then very briefly, I saw one of them in what looked like an ancient military uniform and then another who was dressed as though in a May Day celebration and with flowers on its head. I interpreted the former as one who had an interest in helping with the wars we are in and the other, related to helping the Earth, to critical areas where help is needed. We spoke about life on Earth, about my life here and my spiritual goals. They were very calm and gentle. Beautiful energy.

August 18, 2023: I heard:

We are beings from another planet, one outside your star system. We have come to speak to you about your planet. We observe that Earth is in distress, some of which is human made and other, part of the earth’s natural cycle. There can be repairs made that will lessen the damage that has occurred if your species chooses to take that path. We and others send healing energy to your planet to assist in the restoration process. You have the means to make the changes that will be helpful for your planet’s future state. For now, you are experiencing the beginning of a cycle that will not be to your liking. It will be challenging. We share these words from a place of love and caring, not to cause fear. Eons ago, our planet was in the same condition and fortunately we adjusted individually and collectively to repair the damage that our planet had incurred. The same possibility is before you. We offer these words in support and love.

August 25, 2023: This communication came through:

Greetings our beloved sister. We are the Pleiadians and have come in response to your desire to hear from us. First, we wish to say thank you for all that you are sending out, all of the love and good wishes to your Mother Earth, plants trees and animals, Collective Consciousness and the universe. Your impact is felt. You are a healer. You know this, you feel it. At times it is engaged without your conscious awareness. As you were told, healing energy exudes from you. We did send you a message today when we said you feel like our grandchildren. You have sensed this with Friend, who is one of us.