Throughout the year, reassuring messages about my channeling continued to come through. There was discussion about releasing fear and engaging at a spiritual level, from the heart. There was more offered about my spiritual goals in this incarnation and next steps. I was told that a new chapter was beginning on both the physical and spiritual levels.
February 7, 2022:
God: I am here. What would you like to talk about?
My recent uncertainty about my spiritual state, moving forward spiritually, and clarity.
Okay, where shall we start? Let’s see, you are wondering if I am speaking with you because you do not have a signal. I have said you do not need a signal but your mind steps in and causes you to wonder whether it is actually me. Have confidence in your ability to hear me and others. It is one of your gifts, one that you have had for eons. You continue to meditate and connect with me and that is very helpful. You have been and continue to be moving forward spiritually. There is no stopping it, for you have called it forth. Fear cannot exist in my presence. The mind can step forward from a base of fear which results in doubt, lack of trust and belief. This is not a criticism, that tendency manifests as a result of your trauma in your past lives and the experience in this life years ago.
You are working hard on releasing fear-based thoughts and I commend you. In this incarnation you are releasing the last vestiges of trauma from past lives. Your difficult experience in 2000 was a way to begin to focus on it. It caused you great pain because you did not understand and felt unsure of our connection. That uncertainty has come back, at times. A good example is what you believed you heard from me last December. It did not make sense and has not happened which caused the recent down spiral. That information was made known to you because it was another way to bring forward that which you intended in this incarnation, a knowing of that which is to come. Why, you ask? It is one of your gifts and a way to assist others when called upon. It is okay that you are again wondering, why? In time you will know. The information was provided as a way, an example so to speak, to bring to your consciousness, to engage and open up to your spiritual gift. It is okay that it still doesn’t compute.
Overall, this has been a busy time for you. You have matters in the material world before you that cause you stress. It is hard for you to move into and retain a high vibrational frequency when that stress is engaged. You are making progress in moving through the issues and will feel better as time passes and they have come to completion. We are helping you, feel our presence, love and assistance. Doesn’t this feel better? A smiley face. Yes, it will be fun to go somewhere. I have an idea and you will love it. Another smiley face. I love you.
Jeshua: I am here. I am pleased that you and the Father spoke. I know it has been bothering you that you have not felt connected with him, me and the spiritual realm. As he said, there are matters you feel you must attend to and find distracting. Your spiritual goal is coming into your physicality. Know that we are always connected, and yes, we do know each other. I will never leave you. Just call on me and I will come to you.
February 8, 2022:
God: You know how to handle difficult matters; you have done so throughout your life. Most of the time it was your role to assist others work through difficulties and to be a source of caring and love. Once again you have called yourself into that place. It is your choice, on a deep level. That knowing can be helpful as the experience unfolds. You are responsible for stepping into it. It is part of your goal in this incarnation to help others, why you are here.
February 10, 2022: Today, God said that he will come to me in a new way. I believed it was in response to my perception that his signal was faint at times. I attributed it to my vibrational level. He said that was part of it, but there would be a new way. This morning while meditating I felt something new, a light tapping on my hand and twice, a scent, each one different. Not strong, very nice. I wonder if that is part of the new way.
February 13, 2022: Tonight, I felt the vibration that I have come to know as God’s. It was a slightly stronger vibration that usual. Paused and waited. Then I saw an image in my mind’s eye. There was a man who was wearing a white robe and had long brown hair. He was standing a little in front of me and waited; it felt like he presented himself to me. I wondered if he was God in a different form than usual. Was this the new person who would come into my life? Tried to put it together. Recently God told me he would come to me in a new way. Was this it?
February 19, 2022:
Jeshua: I am here, in response to your request for help. Know that it is me speaking, you are not making this up. You are moving into a new phase. That is what you have been trying to put together. You will. It is baked in, so to speak. God will come to you in a new way, as he said. Let it settle. I am with you, my beloved.
February 24, 2022: Throughout the last few days tapping and other sensations continued. Yesterday, I began to feel more at ease with it all, beginning to settle although I do not understand it. I place myself in the present and thoughts about the past and future just leave. It is very peaceful. My connection with God is also stronger, clearer.
March 11, 2022: It has been hectic in recent days and I have not been in a spiritual state to the extent that I usually am because there is too much going on at the earthly level. Today I heard from God that there will be a new step. I am still trying to understand the last one!
I will speak to you. All of your concerns are noted. You asked for my and Jeshua’s help and we are doing so. Do not fret, you are making great progress. In spiritual matters you have done well. Know that all is moving forward, it is yours and you will have it as intended. Believe, trust and know that you are worthy of it. The new steps, both the last one and the one about which you were told will be occurring soon. It is okay that you have not grasped the last step entirely. The mind cannot comprehend spiritual matters and you have done well to avoid trying to mentally process its meaning. You will, in time. As to the new step about which we spoke today, you will understand it, not miss it and like it. How’s this for channeling? Yes, it is me. I send you a smiley face.
March 14, 2022: Last night while watching TV, I felt God’s vibration. Turned off the TV and waited. God came through very clearly and I had no doubt it was him. He said that there is a new step, a big one. I asked if I would like it and the answer was in the affirmative. Something to look forward to.
Later, I had a dream in which I was at the gate at the entrance to my property. The gate was closed. I saw a white rabbit (my spirit animal) running along the outside as if it wanted to come in. I opened the gate and the rabbit ran to me and was very friendly, seeming like it wanted to connect and was happy to see me. There is symbolism here and I am trying to put it together. Might be related to the next step. This afternoon God spoke to me, and I got a bit of an image. He was in a white robe. We spoke and he held my hand. I ask for clarification about the dream.
March 24, 2022: Gone through a bit of a rough patch, spiritually. Feels like I have lost the thread. Choosing to move into my heart space.
I am here. You are returning to a place of oneness. I commend you for your effort. You have experienced much confusion, doubt and yes, anger. Confusion leads to fear and fear leads to anger. You are not upset with me, rather with yourself because you do not understand what is occurring at a spiritual level. In February I told you that you would be receiving me in a new way. I also told you that someone new would be coming into your life. Then you experienced a change while in the garden with me in the earthsuit you created. What occurred was that together we stepped into a new realm. A more ethereal realm. As a result, we appeared different while also the same, just not as physical. This confused you initially but you are perceiving it more clearly now. I said it is an opening up of a new you at a new level. We are moving forward, together. It is all good. You asked to see me in the etheric form when you connect and talk with me so that you would be assured that it is me. It will be so.
Jeshua: Greetings my sister. I am pleased that you are moving into a state of clarity. It has been a difficult time for you both on the spiritual and physical level. Spiritually, as the Father discussed with you just now. Physically, because there is much going on in your life; it seems to you that there is much to do. I would say, give yourself a break. We are helping you. I love you greatly.
April 2, 2022: I continue to meditate to get back to a place of higher vibrational frequency. Yesterday I thought I perceived the Galactic Council of Light and that they said they would like to speak through me, for others to know them. Once again, doubt entered, who was it, was I making it up or was it someone pretending to be them. My answer was that it was truth, actually them speaking, I would be honored to assist. I must get past my doubt and call forth help with that.
Galactic Council: We are here. You are perceiving truth. We did ask you to share information about us so that others may know that we are present and are guiding and assisting humanity. We are also sending high frequency energy to Earth, as are many other spiritual beings. You are being guided in this endeavor and are doing well in stepping into it. It may not feel as though there is progress but we will say that it is so. Even now, while you doubt, we are coming through clearly. Spiritual hearing is one of your gifts. You intended to use it in this incarnation and are doing so now, in this way. Before incarnating you did not know how it would manifest and it is unfolding now. Your doubt will dissipate as the process continues. It was intended that you complete the tasks now before you so that you can step into the new level of awareness, with understanding and ability, with ease.
April 3, 2022: I wish to connect with God and the spiritual realm. I am still processing the spiritual experiences in February when I went into a new place with God. The Being I saw seemed to be God. He was ethereal but had form. I imagine I was too, as we had stepped into the new place. Were we in our light bodies? I have been asking for a visual of God so that I can know I am connecting with him and can believe what I hear.
Tonight I sensed God’s presence and heard, will you be my wife. What? Instantly I thought it was mind thought. I was told that it was God asking which I didn’t understand at all. I asked Jeshua and he said it was God speaking. I was told that it meant that there would be a closer connection than friends, as we are now. It would be at the spiritual level. Again, I asked how it would be different because I still couldn’t take it in. This went on for a while. I understood it to be a closer connection at the spiritual level. I just wanted to be sure it was not mind thought and checked again with Jeshua. He said it was the Father. I have been feeling him closer and easier to hear, more fluid. Maybe that is what he meant.
April 24, 2022:
I will speak to you now. This is a turning point. You are rounding the corner and there is a new vista before you. You are ready to step forward, as has been your intent all along.
May 1, 2022:
God: Why don’t we just talk. There is much on your mind. The result, you moved away from a high vibrational level to matters of the mind. That part of yourself is sending fear-based thoughts which lower your vibrational frequency. This has occurred in the past and each time you made efforts, successfully, to heighten your frequency. Once again, you are in a low vibrational frequency level. You now know that it is a temporary state and meditating will help you move back into a place of love, of the heart, rather than the mind which focuses on the past and future; whereas the heart knows only the present. The heart is where peace exists.
Let’s take the issue of doubt. As I said, it stems from fear at its base. Doubt throws up roadblocks to progress. If you doubt that you can do something, why try? A very effective form of resistance. Perhaps you are recalling, at a very deep level, the fear and trauma you suffered in past lives for your efforts to help others know me. You may wish to remind yourself that the previous suffering is no longer a part of your current incarnation. It is old, out of date, no longer relevant. You can choose to release the last remaining vestiges of those fears.
May 5, 2022:
Decide to come with me, into the garden as we have so many times. See me at the garden gate, take my hand and enter the garden where we walk and talk. Then, as before, Beings will wish to speak with you, to learn about Earth, humans and what it is like to live there at this time. Their questions are intended to understand so that their help can be made available. That is what so many in the spiritual realm are doing now. As you may recall, I spoke to you about my project and you agreed to help. Much appreciated. The intent of my project is to help those in the non-physical realm send the help that is most needed at this time. You are a clear channel; they can speak directly with you which enables them to direct their efforts. You have recently doubted even my project, that you are making all of this up. You are not. Doubt inhibits your communication flow and receptivity. Know that you can release those thoughts. Return to the heart.
Do not be concerned that you are not in a high vibrational frequency or that we are speaking. We are. You will experience my vibration and that of Beings of Light when you move away from mind thought. We will speak again. I love you.
I had a wonderful experience this afternoon. I felt very connected with God. In my mind’s eye I saw him at the gate and we went into the garden. Then I was with the Galactic Council. I saw images but not clearly enough that I could describe them. We greeted one another. Next, on my left was God in the earthsuit I created. He looked like he was physical and I reached out and touched him. Yes, he was. I was so happy. I wanted to hold that memory forever. We spoke briefly and it seemed that I also saw and talked with Jeshua.
May 18, 2022: Just meditated and will see who comes through.
It is I, Jeshua. I will help you understand what you heard recently about a new connection with the Father. What you perceived is truth. Recently, the Father said he would be coming to you in a new way. The other night you heard him ask you to be his wife. This statement and its meaning was totally foreign to you on a spiritual level. You had no context for it and that caused confusion. What did it mean you asked? You took it in as best you could and decided to let it settle, a very good choice. The next morning you considered that what he meant he would be in your consciousness in a fluid, easy way. Still you did not have a context. Mind thought was trying to enter and, to a certain degree, still is. You meditated this morning to release resistance to this new connection occurring, for you agreed to it. You placed your consciousness in your heart center and from there you returned to a place of clarity.
Now I am providing more context for you. What you will experience in this new connection is a stronger presence of the Father within you. You accurately deduced that it is all part of the plan that you have called forth and is the next step. It is happening. You may wish to continue to release resistance. It is most easily done by placing yourself in your heart center, as you have begun doing. Do you not see how fluid, how easily it flows from that place? There is no second guessing, trying to think through it, no mind thought. It simply is. This is what you are striving for. Disregard thoughts of needing to understand from the mind’s perspective. The understanding and answers are not there. Your spiritual goals are becoming part of your existence. Do you not feel it? Be confident. Know, trust, believe be confident in yourself. I love you and stand by you at all times. Call on me anytime, for anything.
May 21, 2022: Yesterday I continued to contemplate the events of the last few days. Trying to perceive all of it from the heart, not the mind. No answers there, only confusion. I noticed that God coming through has been easier, flowing easily, more natural feeling. I love that and am thankful.
July 19, 2022: It has been a while since my last post. There has been a lot going on and until the last few days, I have not felt connected to God and the spiritual realm. I increased my efforts to meditate and live from the heart and now feel much better. When I remember to be in my heart space, the mind thought that creates doubt and negativity is absent. Then I feel connected in truth. It is my goal not to lose that connection and to remain in my heart space. So peaceful. It is a wonderful place to be.
Yesterday I said that I wanted to be in the garden and perceived God, in the earthsuit I created, extend his hand to me at the garden entrance. We went in and had a beautiful greeting. I had missed that so much. Then it occurred to me that I should decide what I wanted to experience in that place. The way it works there is that what is desired occurs at that moment. So I envisioned, in my mind’s eye, that he and I were walking on a trail at Tahoe. As we walked, we talked and it was very pleasant. I enjoyed it very much. I may do so again.
December 18, 2022: I have not channeled in recent months. Too much going on. I will try now. Three deep breaths.
God: I am here. Your concerns are noted. Quite understandable, given all that you have before you. Indeed, all that you are experiencing represents the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. As you have sensed, this is also the beginning if a new chapter on the spiritual level. All is moving forward. Know that you have all of the help you have requested. We are with you throughout. Yes, I will come to you in a new way.