These are amazing times. We are moving into a new level of spiritual consciousness. Many in the nonphysical realm are sending support through their energetic transmissions. The messages I received from God, Jeshua and Beings of Light are shared in this website.

In God's messages in 2019 we are told that humanity is at a pivotal time in our evolution, we are preparing for a new spiritual phase and we stand at the threshold of a new way of being. Messages in 2020 relate to the difficult time we were experiencing during the pandemic and hope for the future. Messages in 2021 discussed our movement into a new dimension in which we are connected with God while in physicality. We were reminded that we are empowered creators and we create all that we experience. In 2022 there were messages about the falling away of that which no longer serves us as part of our forward movement into a new spiritual level. We were told of others, beyond our planet with whom we will be in contact. 2023 brought further insights about our creative ability and how to experience that which we intend. There are messages about connecting with God and living from the heart, the spiritual realm and connecting with those who have transitioned. 2024 begins with messages of renewal and moving forward.

Jeshua told us the heart center is the essence of our being. It is intended that we live from that space, the way of living  that humanity has striven to attain. As we move forward spiritually we are not alone. He and many others are helping us as we move to a new spiritual level. He spoke of his love for us and that he is at our side, always.

Beings of Light came through. They spoke to us of their desire to assist us as we step into a new spiritual level. They are sending energy to Earth to assist us as we make this transition.. Their messages to us were supportive, uplifting and based in love.

Morning coffee and notebook at the beach